Sunday, 27 October 2013

All India Management Association Manager & Executive Posts

Applications are invited for the following posts:
1. Manager (Finance & Accounts): 01 PostQualifications: 
ACA/ AICWA or MBA (Finance)/ Postgraduate diploma in Financial Management.

2. Manager (Engineering): 01 PostQualifications: BE./ B.Tech. (Civil).

3. Manager (General): 02 PostsQualifications: MBA/ Post Graduate Diploma in Marketing/ Logistics/ Operations/ Supply chain Management.

4. Dy. Manager (IT): 01 PostQualifications: BE/ B.Tech. (IT/ Comp. SC)/ MCA.

5. Company Secretary: 01 PostQualification: ACS

6. Executive (Civil): 03 PostsQualification: Degree in Civil Engineering.

7. Executive (Electrical): 01 PostQualification: Degree in Electrical Engineering.

8. Executive (Finance & Accounts): 03 PostsQualifications: M.Com./ ACA/ AICWA (Inter) or MBA (Finance) degree/ two year postgraduate diploma in Finance Management.

9. Executive (Marketing & Logistics Operations): 15 PostsQualifications: MBA/ Two year postgraduate diploma in Marketing/ Logistics/ Operations/ Materials Management.

10. Executive (HR): 03 PostsQualifications: MBA/ Two year postgraduate diploma in HR/ Personnel Management.

Fee: Candidates belonging to General & OBC categories are required to pay a non-refundable application fees of 300/- by DD drawn in favour of “ALL INDIA MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION”, payable at New Delhi. Name of the candidate, Date of Birth and Post Applied should be neatly indicated on the reverse of the demand draft. SC, ST, PWD/PH and female candidates are exempted from payment of application fees.

How to Apply: The completed application in the prescribed format along with all relevant documents and DD should be sent by ordinary post to “Post Box No. 3076, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003.”

Last Date: 16/11/2013

All India Management Association invites online applications for the various posts indicated below from eligible
candidates for a bright career opportunity with a Govt. of India Enterprise engaged in planning, development, promotion,
acquisition and operation of Warehousing Complexes/Terminals/Multimodal Logistics Hubs. Growing at an average rate
of 25% annually, the Company promotes and provides rail based seamless supply chain management systems. It also
carries the business of Multimodal transport operations and aggregation/disaggregation of cargo both for
domestic/impex movement in India and abroad, providing state-of–the art warehousing facilities, competitive modes of
handling and transportation facilities of Cargo.
Name of the post Post
Scale of Pay
( in Rs.)
Age Limit
(in years)
as on 30th
Nov 2013*
UR Total
Manager (Finance &
1 24900-50500
45 - - - - 1 01
2 24900-50500
45 - - - - 1 01
Manager (General) 3 24900-50500
45 - - - - 2 02
Dy. Manager (IT) 4 20600-46500
40 - - - - 1 01
Company Secretary 5 20600-46500
40 - - - - 1 01
Executive (Civil) 6 12600-32500
35 - - - - 3 03
Executive (Electrical) 7 12600-32500
35 - - - - 1 01
Executive (Finance &
8 12600-32500
35 - - - - 3 03
Executive (Marketing
& Logistics
9 12600-32500
35 2 1 4 - 8 15
Executive (HR) 10 12600-32500
35 - - - - 3 03
Total 2 1 4 - 24 31
* Age relaxation and reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PH as per Government Guidelines
1 Manager
(Finance &
ACA/AICWA or MBA (Finance)/ Post
Graduate Diploma in Financial
Management from a Govt. recognized
Officers working in Central/ State Govt./ PSU/
Autonomous bodies with minimum 10 years of Post
qualification experience in relevant field in the Executive
grade (E-0) of IDA pay scale of Rs.12600-32500 &
above out of which 3 years should be in the IDA pay
scale of Rs.20600-46500 or equivalent with CTC of Rs.
8.00 lacs per annum working in a reputed private
2 Manager
BE./ B. Tech (Civil) from a Govt.
recognized institute
Officers working in Central/ State Govt./ PSU/
Autonomous bodies with minimum 10 years of Post
qualification experience in relevant field in the Executive
grade (E-0) of IDA pay scale of Rs.12600-32500 &
above out of which 3 years should be in the IDA pay
scale of Rs.20600-46500 or equivalent with CTC of Rs.
8.00 lacs per annum working in a reputed private
3 Manager
MBA/ Post Graduate Diploma in
Marketing/ Logistics/ Operations/
Supply chain Management from a Govt.
recognized institute.
Officers working in Central/ State Govt./ PSU/
Autonomous bodies with minimum 10 years of Post
qualification experience in relevant field in the Executive
grade (E-0) of IDA pay scale of Rs.12600-32500 &
above out of which 3 years should be in the IDA pay
scale of Rs.20600-46500 or equivalent with CTC of Rs.
8.00 lacs per annum working in a reputed private
4 Dy. Manager
B.E./ B. Tech (IT/ Comp. SC)/ MCA
from a Govt. recognized institute
Minimum five years Post Qualification experience in
relevant field in the IDA pay scale of Rs. 16400-40500 in
Govt./ PSU/ Autonomous body or Five years post
qualification experience in relevant field in Private
organization of repute with CTC of Rs. 5.50 lacs per
5 Company
ACS Five years post qualification experience as Company
Secretary in PSU/ Private Company of repute.
6 Executive
Degree in Civil Engineering from a
Govt. recognized institute
Two years post qualification experience in relevant field
in Govt./ PSU/ Autonomous/ Private organization.
7 Executive
Degree in Electrical Engineering from a
Govt. recognized institute
Two years post qualification experience in relevant field
in Govt./ PSU/ Autonomous/ Private organization.
8 Executive
(Finance &
M. Com/ ACA/ AICWA (Inter) or MBA
(Finance) Degree/ Two year Post
graduate Diploma in Finance
Management from a Govt. recognized
Two years post qualification experience in relevant field
in Govt./ PSU/ Private Organization
9 Executive
(Marketing &
MBA/ Two year Post graduate Diploma
in Marketing/ Logistics/ Operations/
Materials Management from a Govt.
recognized institute
Two years post qualification experience in relevant field
in Govt./ PSU/ Private organization.
10 Executive
MBA/ Two year Post graduate Diploma
in HR/ Personnel Management from a
Govt. recognized institute
Two years post qualification experience in relevant field
in Govt./ PSU/ Private organization.
1) Application can be submitted by a candidate only once and against only one of the posts, which means that a
candidate can apply for any one post only. Hence, you are advised to apply for the post most suitable to your
Qualification, Experience, etc.
2) If the qualification possessed by the candidate is equivalent, then the equivalency certificate by the relevant
authority must be enclosed.
3) Only Indian Nationals need to apply
4) All the posts carry IDA pattern pay scales and usual allowances. These scales carry DA on percentage basis.
Gross emoluments would vary depending upon place of posting.
5) Employees of the Central/State Govt./ Public Sector Undertakings should apply Online through proper channel
and attach No Objection Certificate (NOC) from present employer along with other essential enclosures.
1. The prescribed qualifications, experience and the age limit shall be reckoned as on 30/11/2013. The
upper age is relaxable for different categories as under:
a. Upto a maximum of 5 years for SC/ST candidates.
b. Upto a maximum of 3 years for candidates belonging to OBC (Non-Creamy Layer).
c. Upto a maximum of 10 years if the candidate is a physically handicapped person.
d. For candidates belonging to SC/ST who are physically handicapped, the maximum age relaxation is 15
e. For candidates belonging to OBC who are physically handicapped, the maximum age relaxation is 13
2. Candidates for different categories will be required to produce the requisite certificate, in the prescribed format of
Government of India, from a competent authority issued in the current year, at the time of submitting the
3. The OBC candidates who comes under ‘Creamy Layer’ are not entitled for OBC relaxation and they will
be treated in the category of ‘General’.
4. Concession for J&K Candidates: Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for the candidates who had
ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division in the State of Jammu and Kashmir during the period 01-01-
1980 to 31-12-1989. Any applicant intending to avail the relaxation under this Category shall have to submit a
certificate from the District Magistrate in Kashmir Division within whose jurisdiction she/he had ordinarily
resided or any other authority designated in this behalf by the Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir to the effect that
she/he had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the
period from 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989.
5. The Ex-Servicemen and Commissioned Officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs) or
Short-Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs) who have rendered at least five years military services as on
01st August, 2013 and have been released :-
(i) On completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year
from 01st August, 2013) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or
inefficiency; or
(ii) On account of physical disability attributable to military service or on invalidment, shall be allowed maximum
relaxation of five years in the upper age limit.
To apply follow the steps given below:
1. Candidates belonging to General & OBC categories are required to pay a non-refundable application fees of
300/- (Rupees Three Hundred only) by Demand Draft drawn in favour of “ALL INDIA MANAGEMENT
ASSOCIATION”, payable at New Delhi. Name of the candidate, Date of Birth and Post Applied should be neatly
indicated on the reverse of the demand draft.
2. The application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and the fee once paid will not be refunded on
any account nor would this fee be held in reserve for future exam/selection.
3. SC, ST, PwD/PH and female candidates are exempted from payment of above fees provided they attach a
self-attested copy of SC/ST/PH/PWD certificate as applicable, issued by the Competent Authority at the time of
submitting hard copy of the application form.
4. Candidates can submit their applications by Online mode only as per details given below:
5. Online application can be submitted on the website
6. Detailed instructions are given on the website. Candidates applying online are required to take print out of auto
generated filled in application format, paste their photograph at the appropriate places, put their signature at the
designated place and send it to Post Box No. 3076, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110 003 along with prescribed
Application Fee and copies of Testimonials, through ordinary post only.
7. Application complete in all respects along with the required demand draft and self-attested copies of the
testimonials/documents mentioned below, should be sent by ordinary post to “Post Box No. 3076, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110 003” so as to reach on or before 16 November 2013 in a sealed envelope superscribed
“Application for the Post _____________” on the top left hand corner. In respect of candidates from Assam,
Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of J&K state,
Lahaul & Spiti District and Pangi Sub-Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andman & Nicobar
Islands or Lakshadweep the last date for receipt of application is 26 November 2013.
8. The application should be sent to “Post Box No. 3076, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003”. The agency will not
be responsible for postal delay or loss/non-delivery thereof. No correspondence in this regard will be
entertained. The agency will also not take responsibility to connect any certificate/remittance sent without
application form. Any deviation from the prescribed format will result in rejection of the application.
9. Please note that the candidature of candidate shall be cancelled if he/she submits more than one application
forms for the same post.
10. Application can be submitted by a candidate only once and against only one of the posts, which means that a
candidate can apply for any one post only. Hence you are advised to apply for the post most suitable to your
Qualification, Experience, etc.
11. Candidates fulfilling the above criteria should submit their ONLINE APPLICATIONS along with all the following:
 Demand Draft as applicable excluding SC, ST, PwD /PH and female candidates.
 Valid Email ID & mobile number valid for atleast one year.
 Self-attested copies of testimonials/certificates. Self-attested copy of Matric / X Class certificate should also
be enclosed as a proof of age.
 Caste/Tribe Certificate (for SC/ST/OBC as applicable) & Disability certificate (in case of PwD/PH candidate)
in the prescribed format issued by the Competent Authority and Ex-serviceman proof (in case of Exserviceman
 All certificates/testimonials in respect of qualifications (all semester/year-wise mark sheet and Degree
certificate starting from matriculation onwards).
 Experience Certificate/documents, if any, issued by the employer in support of experience details mentioned
by the candidate in application form.
 NOC/forwarding letter from the employer in case the candidate is employed in Central/State Government/
PSU/Semi-Government organization.
 A recent passport sized coloured photograph should be firmly pasted on the application form and should be
self- attested. Without self-attested photograph, the application form will be rejected. Candidates are
advised not to change their appearance till the recruitment process is complete; failure to produce the same
photograph at the time of interview, may lead to disqualification.
 Self-attested Photostat copy of certificate from the District Magistrate in Kashmir Division within whose
jurisdiction she/he had ordinarily resided or any other authority designated in this behalf by the Govt. of
Jammu & Kashmir to the effect that she/he had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir Division of the
State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 01-01-80 to 31- 12-89,if intending to avail the age
relaxation under this category.
12. Application received after the last date, incomplete will be rejected; Management will not be responsible for any
postal delay /loss of document during the transit. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
Management will also not take responsibility to connect any certificate/remittance sent without application form.
Any deviation from the prescribed format will result in rejection of the application.
Post Code from 1 to 5:
 The selection process for post code from 1 to 5 will consist of Interview only.
 The company will intend to call for interview with a ratio of 1:5.
Post Code from 6 to 10:
 The selection process for post code from 6 to 10 will consist of Written Test (WT) and Interview (I). The written
test will be conducted at Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Mumbai.
 The Question Paper for Written Test will be bilingual i.e. in English and Hindi. The Written Test for will consist of
100 multiple choice questions on General Aptitude consisting of Reasoning, Data Analysis, Numerical Ability,
General Awareness, Current Affairs,English Grammar and relevant discipline. The ratio of written test will be
60% from relevant discipline and 40% from General Aptitude. The duration of Written Test is 2 hrs. All Multiple
Choice Questions carry equal 3 marks. There will be negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer.
 On qualifying the Written Test, the Interview will be held for short-listed candidates.
A candidate has to appear in all the phases of the recruitment process to be eligible for the selection.
The admit cards of written test, call letter for interview of the provisionally eligible/ shortlisted candidates will be
uploaded only on the website link
Candidates are requested to download the same from the website as per the schedule mentioned. It may be noted that
admit cards for written test will not be sent by post. Candidates have to download them from the website only.
 Formats prescribed for furnishing SC/ST, OBC & PWD/PH certificates are available on website.
 The Company reserves the right to cancel any Centre and ask the candidates of that Centre to appear from
another Centre. Company also reserves the right to divert candidates of any Centre to some other Centre to take the
 Mere submission of application and non- fulfilling the eligibility conditions gives no right to any person for
appearing in Written Test etc.
 Qualifying in the Written Test and Interview for any post without fulfilment of eligibility conditions will not confer any
claim to the candidate for final selection for the post.
 Filling up of these vacancies is subject to the outcome of any litigation affecting the recruitment process.
 No correspondence will be entertained about the outcome of the application, at any stage.
 All appointments will be subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Company in- force from time to time..
 After selection of candidates, the candidates may be posted anywhere in the India in the interest of the
 No TA will be provided for the Written Test & Interview.
 Candidates employed in Government Department/PSU/Autonomous Body shall either forward their application
through proper channel or shall produce NOC from their present employer at the time of interview. In case, the
application of the candidate is not forwarded through proper channel or the candidate fails to produce NOC from
his/her employer at the time of interview, his/her candidature will not be considered.
 Candidature of the candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of the recruitment process or after the recruitment
or joining, if any information provided by candidate is found to be false or is not found in conformity with eligibility
criteria mentioned in the advertisement.
 Candidature of the candidate is also liable to be rejected if the application form alongwith necessary documents is
not received or received un-signed or without affixing self-attested passport size coloured photograph or without
application fees or received after the closing date.
 Mere fulfillment of eligibility norms does not entitle a candidate to be called for the written test/interview. In the event
of the number of eligible candidates being too high, the Management reserves the right to short-list the candidates
by imposing the norms of merit in the basic qualification prescribed in the advertisement.
 Issue of Admit Card for the Written Test & calling for Interview does not confer any right of acceptance of
candidature and should not be construed as an acknowledgment of fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
 Self-attested Photostat copies of documents for proof of age / qualifications / experience / caste etc. should be
attached with the Application, without which the candidature would be rejected. Original certificates will, however, be
scrutinized / verified at the time of Interview.
 At the time of the Interview, if a candidate is unable to produce all the original documents due to whatsoever reason,
his candidature would be rejected. Under no circumstances additional time would be provided. Thus only those
candidates are advised to apply who can produce all the relevant documents in original at the time of Interview itself.
 Any attempt to influence the Company in any manner would result in disqualification and rejection of candidature
immediately. Any dispute with regard to recruitment against this advertisement will be settled within the jurisdiction of
Delhi Court only.
 The decision of the Company in all matters relating to the conduct of examination and preparation of merit list will
be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry/correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
 No person shall be eligible for appointment who has previously been dismissed or compulsorily retired from the
service of the Company or from a Department of a State or the Central Government or from any Public Sector
 No person shall be eligible for appointment who has been convicted in a Court of law for any offence involving moral
A candidate who claims to belong to one of the Scheduled Caste or the Scheduled Tribes should submit in support of
his claim an attested/certified copy of a certificate in the form given below, from the District Officer or the sub-
Divisional Officer or any other officer as indicated below of the District in which his parents (or surviving parent)
ordinarily reside who has been designated by the State Government concerned as competent to issue such a
certificate. If both his parents are dead, the officer signing the certificate should be of the district in which the candidate
himself ordinarily resides otherwise than for the purpose of his own education. Wherever photograph is an integral
part of the certificate, the Company would accept only attested photocopies of such certificates and not any other
attested or true copy.
The format of the certificate to be produced by Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates applying for
appointment to posts under Government of India.
This is to certify that Shri/Shrimati/Kumari* son/daughter of_________--------of
village/town/* in District/Division *
of the State/Union Territory* belongs to the Caste/Tribes
which is recognized as a Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes* under:-
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) order, 1950 The Constitution
(Scheduled Tribes) order, 1950
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Union Territories order, 1951 * The Constitution
(Scheduled Tribes) Union Territories Order, 1951*
As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Lists (Modification) order, 1956, the Bombay
Reorganization Act, 1960 & the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1966, the State of Himachal Pradesh Act 1970,
the North-Eastern Area(Reorganization) Act, 1971 and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Order(Amendment) Act, 1976.
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order, 1956
The Constitution (Andaman and Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1959 as amended by the
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes order (Amendment Act), 1976*
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes order 1962
The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order 1962@ The
Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order 1964@
The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) (Uttar Pradesh) Order, 1967 @
The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Castes Order, 1968@ The
Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order 1968 @
The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1970 @
The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Castes Order 1978@ The
Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order 1978@
The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order 1989@ The
Constitution (SC) orders (Amendment) Act, 1990@
The Constitution (ST) orders (Amendment) Ordinance 1991@
The Constitution (ST) orders (Second Amendment) Act, 1991@ The Constitution (ST) orders (Amendment) Ordinance
The Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002
The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002
The Constitution (Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes) Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002
%2. Applicable in the case of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes persons who have migrated from one
State/Union Territory Administration.
This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled tribes certificate issued to
Shri/Shrimati Father/Mother
of Shri/Srimati/Kumari* of
in District/Division* of the State/Union Territory*
who belong to the Caste/Tribe which is recognized as a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe in the
State/Union Territory* issued by the dated .
% 3. Shri/ Shrimati/ Kumari and /or *
his/ her family ordinarily reside(s) in village/town* of
District/Division* of the State/Union Territory of
Signature ** Designation_
(with seal of office)
State/Union Territory Place
* Please delete the words which are not applicable
@ Please quote specific presidential order
% Delete the paragraph which is not applicable.
NOTE: The term ordinarily reside(s) used here will have the same meaning as in section 20 of the
Representation of the People Act, 1950.
** List of authorities empowered to issue Caste/Tribe Certificates:
(i) District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy
Commissioner/Dy. Collector/Ist Class Stipendiary Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Extra-Assistant
Commissioner/Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate.
(ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate / Presidency
(iii) Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar.
(iv) Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.
NOTE: ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu state should submit caste certificate ONLY FROMTHE REVENUE
This is to certify that
son/ daughter of
of village
in the
belongs to the
Community which is recognized as a backward class under:
i) Resolution No. 12011/68/93-BCC dated the 10th September, 1993, published in the Gazette of
India Extraordinary – Part I, Section I, No. 186 dated 13th September, 1993.
ii) Resolution No. 12011/9/94-BCC, dated 19.10.1994 published in Gazette of India extraordinary
Part I Section I No. 163, dated 20th October, 1994.
iii) Resolution No. 12011/7/95-BCC dated the 24th May 1995 Published in the Gazette of India extraordinary
Part-I Section I No. 88 dated 25th May, 1995.
iv) Resolution No.12011/96/94-BCC dated 9th March, 1996.
v) Resolution No. 12011/44/96-BCC, dated the 6th December, 1996, published in the Gazette of India –
Extraordinary-part I, Section-I, No. 210, dated the 11th December, 1996.
vi) Resolution No.12011/13/97-BCC dated 3rd December, 1997. vii)
Resolution No.12011/99/94-BCC dated 11th December, 1997. viii)
Resolution No.12011/68/98-BCC dated 27th October, 1999.
ix) Resolution No.12011/88/98-BCC dated 6th December, 1999, published in the Gazette of
India, Extra Ordinary Part-I, Section-I No.270, 6th December, 1999.
x) Resolution No.12011/36/99-BCC dated 4th April, 2000, published in the Gazette of India, Extra
Ordinary Part-I, Section-I, No.71 dated 4th April, 2000.
xi) Resolution No.12011/44/99-BCC dated 21.9.2000, published in the Gazette of India, Extra
Ordinary Part-I, Section-I, No.210 dated 21.9.2000.
xii) Resolution No.12015/9/2000-BCC dated 6th September,2001, published in the Gazette of India
Extra Ordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.246 dated 6 September,2001.
xiii) Resolution No.12011/1/2001-BCC dated 19th June,2003, published in the Gazette of
India, Extra Ordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.151 dated 20th June,2003.
xiv) Resolution No.12011/42002-BCC dated 13th January, 2004, published in the Gazette of
India, Extra Ordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.9 dated 13th January, 2004.
xv) Resolution No.12011/142004-BCC dated 12th March, 2007, published in the Gazette of India,
Extra Ordinary Part-I, Section-1, No.67 dated 12
March, 2007.
Shri ______and/or his family ordinarily reside(s) in the ________________________
District/Division of the State.
This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in column 3
of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel & Training OM No.
36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT,) dated 08.09.1993 and modified vide Govt. of India Deptt. of Personnel and
Training OM No. 36033/3/2004-Estt(Res) dated 09.03.2004 & 14.10.2008
Dated: District Magistrate or
Seal: Deputy Commissioner etc.
Note-I (a) The term ‘Ordinarily’ used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the
Representation of the People Act, 1950.
(b) The authorities competent to issue Caste Certificate are indicated below:-
(i) District Magistrate/Additional Magistrate/Collector/Dy. Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/Deputy
Collector/Ist Class Stipendary Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Taluka Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/Extra
Assistant Commissioner (not below the rank of 1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate).
(ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate /Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate. (iii)
Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar
(iv) Sub -Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family resides.
Note-II: The closing date for receipt of application will be treated as the date of reckoning for OBC
status of the candidate and also, for assuming that the candidate does not fall in the creamy layer
Certificate No. Date
This is certified that Shri/Smt./Kum.
son/wife/daughter of Shri
age sex identification mark(s)
is suffering from permanent disability of following category :-
A. Locomotor or cerebral palsy :
(i) BL-Both legs affected but not arms.
(ii) BA-Both arms affected (a) Impaired reach
(b) Weakness of grip
(iii) BLA-Both legs and both arms affected
(iv) OL-One leg affected (right or left) (a) Impaired reach
(b) Weakness of grip
(c) Ataxic
(v) OA-One arm affected (a) Impaired reach
(b) Weakness of grip
(c) Ataxic
(vi) BH-Stiff back and hips (Cannot sit or stoop)
(vii) MW-Muscular weakness and limited physical endurance.
B. Blindness or Low Vision: (i) B-Blind
(ii) PB-Partially Blind
C. Hearing Impairment: (i) D-Deaf
(ii) PD-Partially Deaf
1. This condition is progressive/non-progressive/likely to improve/not likely to improve. Re- assessment of
this case is not recommended/is recommended after a period of years
2. Percentage of disability in his/her case is ………........ percent.
3. Sh./Smt./Kum. ........................... meets the following physical requirements for discharge of his
/her duties:-
F-can perform work by manipulating with fingers.
PP-can perform work by pulling and pushing.
L-can perform work by lifting.
KC-can perform work by kneeling and crouching.
B-can perform work by bending.
S-can perform work by sitting
ST-can perform work by standing.
W-can perform work by walking.
SE-can perform work by seeing.
H-can perform work by hearing/speaking.
RW-can perform work by reading and writing.
(Dr. ) (Dr. ) (Dr. ) Member, Medical Board
Member, Medical Board Chairperson, Medical Board
Countersigned by the Medical Superintendent/
CMO/Head of Hospital (with seal)
*Strike out which is not applicable.

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