DUCET – 2017 (Last date: 31.05.2017)
Applications are invited for admission into UP/ PG courses through Common Entrance Test (DUCET-2017).Programme Details:
1. Regular PG Programmes: M.A./ M.Sc./ M.Ed.
2. Self Financing PG Programmes: M.Sc./ M.LI.Sc./ M.Com./ M.S.W./ MA.
3. UG Self-Financing Programmes: B.A./ B.S.W./ B.Sc./ BBM/ B.Com.
4. Self-Financing & Other Programmes: PG Diploma Programmes
1. M.C.A./ M.B.A./ B.Ed./ T.P.T./ B.P.Ed. admissions will be done through ICET/ Ed.CET/ LP CET/ PE CET.
2. There is no entrance test for UG/ Diploma/ Certificate courses.
How to Apply: Applications and prospectus can be obtained from the office of the Dean, Academic Affairs, Dravidian University, Kuppam either in person or by DD for Rs. 300 by registered post favouring The Registrar, Dravidian University payable at Kuppam.
Sale of Applications: 03.04.2017 to 15.05.2017.
Last date for submission of applications: 31.05.2017.
Common Entrance test for PG candidates: 05.06.2017.