TS LAWCET/ TS PGLCET-2017 (Last date: 18.04.2017)
TS Law Common Entrance Test (TS LAWCET-2017) for admission into 3/ 5 years law courses (LL.B) and TS PG Law Common Entrance Test (TS PGLCET-2017) for admission into LL.M courses offered by state Universities in Telangana State including their affiliated colleges for the academic year 2017-18 will be conducted by Kakatiya University, Warangal.Registration fee:
TS LAWCET: Rs. 350
TS PGLCET: Rs. 600
How to Apply: Candidates may apply through online mode only from 18.03.2017 to 18.04.2017.
Exam Date: 27.05.2017.