Wednesday, 18 May 2016

NIN - Project Asst, Technical Officer Posts (Interview Date: 24.05.2016)

Applications will be received from the individuals on 24.05.2016 at Conference Hall, NIN, Tarnaka, Hyderabad.
Post Details:
1. Project Technical Officer
2. Project Assistant
Qualification: DMLT, Any Degree, BE/ B.Tech/ M.Sc.
How to Attend: Candidates should bring all original certificates of educational qualifications, experience along with a pass port size photograph and set of photo copies of duly attested the Written Test/ Skill Test.


University of Hyderabad - Adhoc Faculty (Interview Date: 24.06.2016)

University of Hyderabad, Department of Anthropology desires to fill up Adhoc Faculty positions purely on temporary basis.
Post Details:
Adhoc Faculty: 02 Posts
Qualification: M.A./ M.Sc. in Anthropology with specialization in Social/ Cultural Anthropology.
How to Attend: Candidates for the posts may attend the walk in interview on 24.06.2016 at Seminar Hall of the Department of Anthropology, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad, PO- Central University, Gachibowli, Hyderabad.


University of Hyderabad - Guest Faculty Posts (Last date: 01.06.2016)

Applications are invited for appointment of Guest Faculty positions (Purely on temporary basis) in the Centre for Study of Foreign Languages for the semester July-November, 2016.
No. of Guest Faculty positions: 8
Course to be taught: Introductory Course in Arabic/ Chinese/ French/ German/ Japanese/ Korean/ Russian/ Spanish with six credits.
Qualifications: Good academic record with at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade of B in the 7 point scale with letter grade O, A, B, C, D, E & F at the Master’s degree level in the relevant subject i.e. M.A. in respective foreign language from an Indian University or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign University.
Applicants should send their details in the prescribed format through email or by post or in person which must be accompanied by attested copies of certificates in support of all information furnished in the form to the following address.
Address: The Head, Centre for Study of Foreign Languages, Old Life Science Building, University of Hyderabad, P.O. Central University, Prof. C.R. Rao Road, Gachibowli, Hyderabad.
Last date for the receipt of applications: 01.06.2016.


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