Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited, Hyderabad y requires Professionals in the following areas.
Post Details:
1. Firemen: 02 Posts
Qualifications & Experience: SSC pass. Additional qualification possession of LMV/ HMV driving license. Ex-Servicemen preferred. Basic course on elementary and fire fighting. Minimum of 4 years experience in the relevant area.
2. Jr. Assistant: 01 Post
Upper age as on Date of advt (yrs): 35
Qualifications & Experience: Graduate with relevant certificate in PC Operation or Graduation having PC Operation (MS Office) as one of the subjects, is essential, with pass in lower stenography (English) and should possess a speed of 100 words per minute for shorthand and 40 words per minute for typing respectively. Minimum of 2 yrs post qualification experience.
How to Apply: The completed application form with date, enclosing copies of certificates in support of qualification, experience, along with a DD for Rs.100 drawn in favour of Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited, payable at Hyderabad, should reach the Addl. Genl. Manager (HR) at the above address within 15 days from the date of this publication.
Date of Advertisement: 30.12.2015.
Post Details:
1. Firemen: 02 Posts
Qualifications & Experience: SSC pass. Additional qualification possession of LMV/ HMV driving license. Ex-Servicemen preferred. Basic course on elementary and fire fighting. Minimum of 4 years experience in the relevant area.
2. Jr. Assistant: 01 Post
Upper age as on Date of advt (yrs): 35
Qualifications & Experience: Graduate with relevant certificate in PC Operation or Graduation having PC Operation (MS Office) as one of the subjects, is essential, with pass in lower stenography (English) and should possess a speed of 100 words per minute for shorthand and 40 words per minute for typing respectively. Minimum of 2 yrs post qualification experience.
How to Apply: The completed application form with date, enclosing copies of certificates in support of qualification, experience, along with a DD for Rs.100 drawn in favour of Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited, payable at Hyderabad, should reach the Addl. Genl. Manager (HR) at the above address within 15 days from the date of this publication.
Date of Advertisement: 30.12.2015.