The University requires experienced Caretakers, Residential Caretaker, Cooks, Helpers/ Cleaners on Ppurely Temporary/ Contract Basis.
Post Details:
1. Caretakers/ Residential Caretaker (Male and Female)
2. Cooks (Male and Female)
3. Helpers/ Cleaners
Qualification: VIII Class, 10+2 with experience.
How to Attend: The candidates should report on 09.11.2015 before 9.00 a.m at MANUU VIP Guest House.
Post Details:
1. Caretakers/ Residential Caretaker (Male and Female)
2. Cooks (Male and Female)
3. Helpers/ Cleaners
Qualification: VIII Class, 10+2 with experience.
How to Attend: The candidates should report on 09.11.2015 before 9.00 a.m at MANUU VIP Guest House.