Thursday, 3 October 2013

University of Hyderabad Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/ Project Fellow NOTIFICATION

हैदराबाद िवश्विवद्यालय
University of Hyderabad
पथ्वी ृ तथा अंतिरक्ष िवज्ञान केन्ि
Centre for Earth & Space Sciences
P.O. Central University, Prof. C. R. Rao Road, Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 046, A.P. INDIA
Tel: 091-040-23132669, Fax : 91-040-23010152
Applications are invited for the position of a Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/ Project Fellow under
Dr. K L Rao Geospatial Chair Professor Scheme of Department of Science of Technology,
Government of India. The selected candidate will work on the issues of Ecology/Environment
related to climate change.
Fellowship: Rs 16,000/PM fixed in case of JRF (NET Qualified) or Rs 11,000/PM in case of
project fellow.
Essential Qualification: M. Sc. in Ecology/Environmental Science.
Desirable: Diploma in remote sensing with proficiency in the use of Digital Image Processing and
GIS softwares. Candidates with M. Phil degree will be given preference.
Duration: Initially for a period of one year (Temporary) and it can be extendable for another year
based on the performance.
How to apply: Interested candidates should send their detail CV (duly signed) mentioning all
qualifications (with subjects, year of completion, and percentage of marks or grade), details of
experience (if any), achievements, dissertation titles (if any), contact details with email and mobile
nos. An advanced copy can be sent by e-mail provided below. No application will be considered if
the candidate fails to submit the hard copy of duly signed application together with the copies of
degrees/certificates before due date. The copies of the degrees will be verified with originals at the
time interview. The duly completed application form should reach to the undersigned on or
before October 15, 2013 to the following address:
Center for Earth and Space Sciences (UCESS)
University of Hyderabad, Prof C R Rao Road
P.O. Central University, Gachibouli
Hyderabad 500046 AP
email : or or
1. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview nor at the time of joining the post, if
2. Selected candidate should join immediately.
3. If the performance of the candidate is found unsatisfactory at any point of time, the position
will be terminated with one month of notice.
4. Position is purely temporary for the above mentioned period as specified in the
advertisement. There will not be any right for claiming any regular appointment in the

CIET, NCERT Appointment of 06 Junior Project Fellows (JPFs) – Walk-in

tral Institute of Educational Technology
 Dated: 30.09.2013
 Sub: Appointment of 06 Junior Project Fellows (JPFs) – Walk-in-
 Interview on 18th Oct. 2013 at 9.30 a.m.
CIET, NCERT invites application from eligible candidates to fill up the following posts:
No. of Position/Staff and
Essential/Desirable qualifications
1. Jr. Project Fellows in ICT
in Education -02
@ Rs.14,000/- per month
(consolidated) without NET &
@ Rs.16,000/- per month
(consolidated) with NET
Essential Qualification:
Master Degree in Education/Psychology
with 55% marks or equivalent grade
1.Experience in development of
 Research tools, data collection
 and analysis work
2.Working knowledge of Spread
 Sheet, Databases and SPSS
Selection Process will include a skill test.
2. Jr. Project Fellows in Web
design and Online
applications -04
@ Rs.14,000/- per month
(consolidated) without NET &
@ Rs.16,000/- per month
(consolidated) with NET
Essential Qualification:
Post Graduate/B.Tech.(Computer
With 55% or equivalent Grade
1. Skills in creation & maintenance of
Website and Content Management
System (Joomla, Drupal, Word Press
2. Experience of independently
 working on html, java scripts,
 CSS, in Windows and Linux
 operating system
Selection Process will include a skill test.
……2/ -2-
1. Age limit: Below 30 years (Relaxed for SC/ST and Female candidates by 5 years)
2. Tenure : Initially upto March 31, 2014, likely to be extended.
3. Date & Time of Interview: on 18.10.2013 at 10.00 a.m.
4. Venue of Interview: Joint Director’s Office, 2nd Floor, Chacha Nehru Bhawan,
 Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET),
 NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110 016.
Those candidates who fulfill the above eligibility conditions should mail their Bio-data
on or before 14th October 2013 (email ID- and
shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview on the fixed date. The
candidates need to report at 9.30 a.m. to the Assistant Programme Coordinator
(APC), Planning & Research Division (P&RD) Room No.242, CIET 2nd floor, Chacha
Nehru Bhawan, CIET, NCERT, New Delhi-110 016 with copies of original certificates
and testimonials.
*Do not forget to mention the post applied for and your mobile no. in
your application form/bio-data.
1. The minimum eligibility for each post has been given on page 1.
2. It is the responsibility of the candidates to ensure that they fulfil the eligibility
conditions in terms of (i) educational qualifications (ii) experience well before
submission of biodata etc.
3. These posts are purely temporary.
4. Candidates already in job should forward their applications through their
employer and/or come with a “No Objection Certificate”, without which the
candidate will not be allowed for appearing in interview.
5. Candidate should bring and produce their original certificates in support of
their degree and experiences at the time of interview.
6. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview
7. The selected candidates may be required to join immediately.
8. Candidates should bring along with them their written and/or published work
portfolio, if any, (including their art work, Multimedia, Graphics, Animation,
Advertisement, Books, Thesis/Dissertation, Magazines, etc).
9. Candidates having worked in NCERT for more than two years in various
projects are not eligible to apply.
Head, PRD 

OU Project Fellowships under UPE Science, Public Administration, Economics, Commerce & Law

University with Potential for Excellence (UPE)
Center for Advanced Research & Training
No. UPE-CART-G&D-005/2013
The University Grants Commission, New Delhi has conferred the status of “University with Potential
for Excellence” (UPE) to Osmania Univer
approved by the UGC, New Delhi certain identified interdisc
Project Fellowships.
Applications are invited for these Project Fellowships under UPE
Science, Public Administration, Economics, Commerce & Law in the prescribed form from the eligi
candidates of the respective disciplines.
Qualifications: Masters DegreeLaw with a minimum of 55% marks (50% in case of SC/ST).
Title of the Project: “Governance and Development
Name of the Fellowship: UPE-CART
Total Number of Fellowships: (5
Commerce & Law.
Nature of Assistance :
Tenure of Fellowship :
Cancellation of Fellowship :
Unsatisfactory progress of research work, or (iii)
Duly filled Prescribed Application
along with the Demand Draft of Rs.100/
Refundable) of any nationalized bank drawn in favour of Registrar, Osmania University, Hyderabad
should reach The Co-ordinator, UPE
or before 8
th October, 2013.
Copy to:
1. The Registrar, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
2. The Dean, Development & UGC Affairs
3. University Employment Information and Guidance Bureau, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
4. The Director (Infrastructure) with a request to place it on O.U. Website.
5. The P.S. to the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Osmania University.
6.The Head,Dept. of ______________
Osmania University
University with Potential for Excellence (UPE)
anced Research & Training in – Governance & Development
The University Grants Commission, New Delhi has conferred the status of “University with Potential
for Excellence” (UPE) to Osmania University, Hyderabad. According to Action Plan of UPE document
approved by the UGC, New Delhi certain identified interdisciplinary areas of research activities have
Applications are invited for these Project Fellowships under UPE-CART-G&D one each in Political
Science, Public Administration, Economics, Commerce & Law in the prescribed form from the eligi
candidates of the respective disciplines.
- Political Science; Public Administration; Economics; Commerce &
Law with a minimum of 55% marks (50% in case of SC/ST).
Governance and Development”.
CART-G&D – Project Fellow.
(5) One each in Political Science, Public Administration, Economics,
Fellowship Rs. 14,000/- per month.
(HRA is not applicable for the candidates selected under this
Tenable with the Project (03 - 05 years).
Fellowship is liable to cancellation in case of (i)Misconduct, (ii)
Unsatisfactory progress of research work, or (iii) Fellow is found ineligible later.
Duly filled Prescribed Application(can be downloaded from O.U. website)form with relevant enclosures
along with the Demand Draft of Rs.100/- (Open Category) and Rs.50/- (Reserved Category) (Non
lized bank drawn in favour of Registrar, Osmania University, Hyderabad
ordinator, UPE-CART-G&D,Dept. of Political Science,UCA&SS,O.U. Campus
Prof. G. Ram Reddy
Co-ordinator, UPE-CART
Department of Political Science
Osmania University, Hyderabad.
1. The Registrar, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
2. The Dean, Development & UGC Affairs, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Information and Guidance Bureau, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
4. The Director (Infrastructure) with a request to place it on O.U. Website.
5. The P.S. to the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Osmania University.
6.The Head,Dept. of _________________
Governance & Development(CART-G&D)
Dated: 30-09-2013
The University Grants Commission, New Delhi has conferred the status of “University with Potential
ction Plan of UPE document
iplinary areas of research activities have
G&D one each in Political
Science, Public Administration, Economics, Commerce & Law in the prescribed form from the eligible
Political Science; Public Administration; Economics; Commerce &
) One each in Political Science, Public Administration, Economics,
candidates selected under this
Fellowship is liable to cancellation in case of (i)Misconduct, (ii)
form with relevant enclosures
(Reserved Category) (Non
lized bank drawn in favour of Registrar, Osmania University, Hyderabad
Dept. of Political Science,UCA&SS,O.U. Campus on
Prof. G. Ram Reddy
Department of Political Science
Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Information and Guidance Bureau, Osmania University, Hyderabad.

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