Friday, 3 May 2013

DRDO Centre for Personnel Talent Management (CEPTAM) CEPTAM - 06 Advertisement 844 vacancies Senior Technical Assistant 'B'(STA'B') 360 Technician'A'(Tech'A') 223* Admin & Allied Category 261*

 1.  Likely number of vacancies:-
         Senior Technical Assistant 'B'(STA'B')Technician'A'(Tech'A')Admin & Allied Category

    2.  Expected Procedural Changes in CEPTAM-06:-

  • Mandatory registration through SMS before applying
  • Only online application for STA'B'
  • Only online Admit cards (Hall Tickets) for all
  • ID Proof mandatory for entering into examination hall
  • For more details read FAQs section
* Number of vacancies may vary depending on organisational requirements
CEPTAM - 06 Advertisement will be uploaded soon. [Published in Employment News
 dated 04-10th May, 2013]

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अकस क स - Frequently Asked Questions
Q-1. When I can apply for various posts in DRDO?
क कब क सक ?
A. After publication of advertisement by CEPTAM to the closing date of receipt of application.
स क क क ब औ क अ क।
Q-2. From where I can get copy of advertisement?
क (क ) क स क सक ?
A. Copy of advertisement can be downloaded from our website. It is being published in Employment news also.
क क क बस स क सक । स क क ।
Q-3. How to apply in response to the advertisement?
क ब क क क ?
A. Read the Instructions given in the advertisement carefully, determine your eligibility and follow three steps as given to apply:
स क , अ क स क क ब , क क :
Step-I: Register yourself through SMS and Get registration number which is required while filling the application form. (Note: Register for each post code separately if you are applying for more than one post code and get registration for each post code.)
-I: स स स (SMS) क ( ) क औ क स क , स क । ( : क क सक क , स क क क अ अ क क औ क स क क क अ स क )
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Step-II [For the Post of STA-B]: Apply Online, take a printout of filled online application form and send it along with photograph and other documents, by Ordinary Post (NOT through courier, registered post or speed post).
-II [STA-B क ]: क , क क औ सक स औ अ क , स (क , क स )।
Step-II [For Other Posts]: Apply either online or on Prescribed Performa (i.e. Application Form), as given in the advertisement, along with photograph and other documents, by Ordinary Post (NOT through courier, registered post or speed post).
-II [अ क ]: ( , क ), क औ सक स औ अ क , स (क , क स )।
Step-III: Make payment along with application through IPO or online if you are applying online.
-III: क , क स , क स क ।
Q-4. When can I register through SMS?
SMS क कब क सक ?
A. From the day of Advertisement to closing date.
क स – क अ क।
Q-5. How do I register myself for DRDO Entry Test through SMS?
अ क स स (SMS) क स क क स क सक ?
A. All interested candidates who wish to apply for DRDO Entry Test, are compulsorily required to register themselves on mobile no. 56677 of CEPTAM by sending a SMS in this format CEPTAM <space>First choice of Exam City Code<space> Post Code<space> Date of Birth as ddmmyy<space>NAME (Leaving a space between first, middle and last name)
Example: CEPTAM 15 0112 231283 Rupesh Kumar Goyal
[Where City Code=15, Postcode=0112, DOB=231283 and Name= Rupesh Kumar Goyal]
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After sending the SMS, candidate will receive an auto-generated response message with ‘Registration Number” based on exam city code, post code. [Like “CEPTAM Reg. No. 150112000082 for rupesh kumar goyal DOB 231283 Post Code 0112 (Electronics & Instrumentation)” for the data entered in the above example]. Candidate will mention this registration number in his application form. Candidates are advised to complete this process correctly, as he will be responsible for any wrong particulars which may leads to rejection of his/her application.
स क . . . . , क SMS क , स क क : CEPTAM< क > क < क > क < क > क ddmmyy< क > अ ( , औ अ क ब क ); स क ब 56677 क क , क अ .
क : CEPTAM 15 0112 231283 RUPESH KUMAR GOYAL [ क = 15, क = 0112, = 231283 औ = RUPESH KUMAR GOYAL]
स स (SMS) क ब क क : क स क , क स ( क , क ), ऊ क क , स स : "CEPTAM Reg. No. 150112000082 rupesh kumar goyal DOB 231283 Post Code 0112 (Electronics & Instrumentation)”. क स क स स , क क स । अ स क स क / क । क कस सक क अ क क , ।
Q-6. Is it necessary to send application after registering through SMS?
क , स स क स क क ?
A. YES. Without registration number application will not be accepted. It is FIRST STEP for Applying for any post. (Note: Register for each post code separately if you are applying for more than one post code and get registration for each post code.)
; क स क ब क क । कस क क क । ( : क क सक क , स क क क अ अ क क औ क स क क क अ स क )
Q-7. Is it sufficient to register through SMS only, for writing DRDO Entry Test?
स स क स क , क ?
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A. No, after registration it is mendatory to apply for registered post either online or as per application format for the post, (for the post of STA-B it is also mandatory to apply online). All applicants will send their online printed application forms (for STA-B) or Application in required format along with documents as required to Director, CEPTAM before/or on closing date by ordinary post (Not by courier, registered post or speed post)
। क क ब अ क क अ स SMS क क अ । STA-B क क अ । स क अ / क अ स क क स क, स क स स स (क , क स क स )।
Q-8. I am applying for more than one Post. Is it necessary to register for each post?
क स अ क क क । क क अ -अ क क ?
A. YES; It is essential to register for each post code you are applying for and get registration number for each post code?
, क क सक क , स क क क क क औ क स क क क क ।
Q-9. I have submitted my application on prescribed format but could not register myself through SMS. Whether my application will be considered?
अ क , क अ क स स क स क क । क ?
A. NO; Applications received without registration number are liable to be rejected. Prior registration is mandatory for all posts, candidates applying for.
; क स क ब अ क क । क कस क क क अ ।
Q-10. Can I make payment through Cheque/Draft/Money Order?
क/ / क स क सक ?
A. No; the Cheque/Draft/Money Order will NOT be acceptable in any condition. Candidates applying online have option to pay the requisite fee online. For other candidates applying offline on prescribed format shall have to pay a non-refundable fee of Rs. 50/- through Indian Postal Order (IPO) issued in favour of “The Director,
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CEPTAM, Delhi”, payable at Delhi. Separate fee shall be paid by the candidates applying for each post code. Indian Postal Order must have been issued after the date of publication of advertisement and should not be later than the closing date.
; क/ / कस क । क क अ क क क । अ क क क स , . 50/- क क (IPO) " क, स , ” क , स स क क । अ -अ क क क क क , क क क स क । क क क क ब क क औ स क क ब ।
Q-11. Can I make online payment?
क सक ?
A. Only candidates applying online have the option of online payment.
क क क क क ।
Q-12. Can I send more than one application in a single envelope?
क क स अ क सक ?
A. No; Candidates applying for more than one post should send their application, complete in all respect, in separate envelope.
; क स अ क क क क क क , अ -अ ।
Q-13. What is the cut-off date for determining the qualification, age and other criteria?
, औ अ क क क ?
A. Closing Date of receipt of application is fixed as the Cut-off Date for determining the Qualification, Age and other Criteria.
, औ अ क क , क क अ , क क ।
Q-14. I am appearing in my final year examination, which is essential qualification to apply for the post, and my result will be declared after the cut-off date, can I apply for DRDO Entry Test?
अ , क क , औ क क ब क , क क सक ?
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A. No; you are not eligible to apply. Candidates fulfilling the eligibility condition on the closing date can only apply. Candidates appearing/appeared in the examination and if their result is not declared by the closing date will NOT be considered and candidature of such candidates can be rejected at any stage (as and when it is noticed).
; क क । , क क अ क क क सक । क क , क क अ क स क क औ स क क कस अ क सक ( ब स )।
Q-15. What are the age limits and age relaxations for examinations conducted by CEPTAM?
स क स औ ?
A. The the upper age limit and age concessions are as per Government Rules. However, the age limits are different for different posts and are to be confirmed from the Notice/ Advertisement published in the Employment News. Generally, the age limits for STA-B and Technician-A are 18-28 years and for Admin and Allied category of posts are 18 to 27 years, except for Assistant Hindi where age limit is between 18 to 30 years as on the Cut-off date.
ऊ स औ स स क क क अ स । , स अ अ क अ अ औ स क क क स क । क , क क स क-B औ क -A क 18-28 स क ब , क औ स ब (Admin & Allied) क क 18 स 27 , स क क क स 18 स 30 स क ब ।
Q-16. I do not have my degree/ diploma subject exactly as required in advertisement, but it is equivalent to that subject/ trade, can I apply for that post?
/ , क क क क , क स क ब ब , स क क सक ?
A. No; the educational and other qualifications are indicated in advertisement; your Degree/Diploma/ITI Certificate must bear the same subject as required for the post. Also, Candidates must have read the required subject at least for 2 years in the course of graduation programme (where essential qualification is graduation).
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; औ अ क ; क / / , क क क अ क क । स क क क ( क ), क क स क 2 स अ ।
Q-17. Say, I am pursuing BE /B. Tech /M.Sc. or say, PhD. Am I eligible to apply for STA-B or Tech ‘A’?
B.Tech/BE/M.Sc. Ph.D क , STA-B Tech-'A' क क सक ?
A. Candidates possessing higher qualification viz. BE/B.Tech/M.Sc./PhD etc. as on closing date, shall not be considered for the recruitment to the posts of STA ‘B’ or Tech ‘A’. However, the candidates who are pursuing higher qualification, but not going to complete as on closing date may apply.
क क क स BE/B.Tech/M.Sc./PhD, क क , क क अ , (क क ) क , STA-'B' Tech-'A' क क क अ । क, क , क क क , स ।
Q-18. I have higher qualification than required for Senior Technical Assistant-B (STA-B) or Tecnician-'A', am I eligible to apply?
क क स क-'ब ' (STA-B) क -' ' (Technician-‘A’) क क स अ क ? क ?
A. NO; candidates possessing higher qualification viz. M.Sc., Ph.D or M.Tech, B.Tech, B.E. degree etc as on cut-off date, shall NOT be considered for the recruitment to the posts of either Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’ or Technician ‘A’.
; अ M.Sc., Ph.D, B.Tech, BE क क क क स क-'ब ' (STA-B) क -'A' (Tech-‘A’) क क क क ।
Q-19. I have done two years diploma course, which is equivalent to three years, can I apply for the post?
स क क स , स क ब ब क , क ?
A. NO, Three years diploma is essential wherever it is required, equivalence to duration and even subject/trade will not be considered. Such candidate, if allowed to appear in
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the examination or being called for documents verification will not be considered as a ground for his being eligible for the post(s) applied for.
, क क , स क क । अ औ क क / क क । स क स क ब , स क क , क क ।
Q-20. If I am allowed to appear in the examination or called for documents verification/interview, does it mean I am eligible for the post?
अ क अ स क ब , सक ब क क ?
A. Not always. CEPTAM does not undertake any scrutiny of the applications before the examination and all applicants (except those applicants whose applications are summarily rejected), are allowed to appear in the examination and their eligibility is verified only after the examination. Merely because a candidate has been allowed to appear in the examination (posts for which examination is conducted) or being called for documents verification will not be considered as a ground for his being eligible for the post(s) applied for.
। स ब कस क क क ( क क क , सक स स अ क क ), स क क क अ औ क क क ब स , । क क क अ स क ब , क अ क क क क ।
Q-21. Is there any preference in DRDO for selection for Defence personnel or their ward?
क क औ क क ?
A. No, there is no such preference for Defence personnel or their ward. However, posts are reserved for Ex-service man as per roster.
, क क औ क क क स । क, स क क क अ स ।
Q-22. When I am likely to get my Admit Card (Hall Ticket)?
( क ) क कब स ?
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A. Admit cards are likely to be available on this website 15 days before the examination. The Link for admit card will be activated as soon as admit cards are uploaded.
स 15 स बस क स । ( क ) क , क स ।
Q-23. I have not received my Admit Card (hall ticket) for examination. So what should I do?
( क ) क । क ?
A. Admit cards are made available on this website. You may download the same. Link will be active about 15 days before the examination.
क , ( क ) स बस क । क सक । 15 स बस क स ।
Q-24. I am unable to retrieve my Admission Card (Hall Ticket) for examination?
( क ) क अस ?
A. Check the details you are entering to retrieve your Admit Card, You may not be able to retrieve if details entered are not exactly same as given in your application form. It can also happen if your application is received Late or without SMS Registration Number or Without IPO or Without Photograph etc. Contact CEPTAM (Help Line).
अ ( क ) क क ( ) क सक क , अ अ क अ क ब सक । सक अ सक , क स , स स क स क ब , ब क । स स स क क ( )।
Q-25. Can Post Code be changed?
क क ब सक ?
A. No, change in post code is not allowed.
, क क अ ।
Q-26. Can Examination City/ centre be changed?
/ क सक ?
A. No, change in examination city and center is not permitted.
, औ क क अ ।
Q-27. My subject code in admit card (hall Ticket) is not same as I applied in my application?
( क ) , क , अ क क स ?
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A. Fax the first page of your application form to CEPTAM with discrepancy. (Fax No. 011-23810276)
अ क क स स , स स क । ( स ब 011-23810276)
Q-28. My Date of Birth (DOB) in my admit card (Hall Ticket) is incorrect?
, ( क ) , ?
A. Fax the first page of your application form to CEPTAM with discrepancy. (Fax No. 011-23810276)
अ क क स स , स स क । ( स ब 011-23810276)
Q-29. My category in Admit card (Hall Ticket) is not correct?
( क ) , ?
A. Fax the first page of your application form to CEPTAM with discrepancy.
अ क क स स , स स क । ( स ब 011-23810276)
Q-30. Where the written examination is conducted?
क क ?
A. Examination Cities and their codes are given in the following table:
औ क क क :
01 – Agra
06 – Chandigarh
11 – Guwahati
16 – Kanpur

21 - Port Blair
02 – Ahmedabad
अ ब
07 – Chennai
12 – Hyderabad

17 – Kochi

22 – Pune
03 – Bengaluru

08 – Dehradun
13 – Imphal
18 – Kolkata
क क
23 – Raipur
04 – Bhopal
09 - Delhi NCR
14 – Jammu
19 – Nagpur
24 – Ranchi
05 – Bhubaneswar
10 – Gorakhpur
15 – Jodhpur
20 – Patna
25 – Visakhapatnam
New centre can also be added depending upon the number of applications. The CEPTAM may at its discretion can hold re-examination as and when necessary. The CEPTAM reserves the right to cancel the exam held at any centre and ask the candidates of that centre to appear at another centre. The CEPTAM also reserves the right to divert candidate of any centre to some other centre to take examination.
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क सक क स क । स अ क क , क क अ क स । स कस क क क स क क क क अ क स ।
Q-31. What to do when date of Interview clashes with another exam or interview?
क ब स क क क औ स क क क स ?
A. No change is ordinarily permissible. However, if the interviews are being held at the specified venue for more than one day for the same subject/trade, the request may be considered if made at least ten days in advance with supporting documents.
क क अ । स क क स अ क , क / क क , स , अ क स क स क स क स , ब क सक ।
Q-32. What is the process of selection?
A. The process of selection usually includes any one or more of the following: Written Examinations, Trade/Skill Tests, Professional Practise Tests, Proficiency Tests, Physical Endurance Test/ Medical Test and Personal Interviews etc. as and where necessary. It is mandatory to pass all examination process and tests independently.
स कस क क स अ क : , / क / स क अ स / / क स / क ( क ) औ स क । स स स अ ।
Q-33. What is the criterion for calling in interview?
स क ब कस ?
A. First, candidates will be called for written examination without any scrutiny. However, the original certificates pertaining to essential qualification and other relevant documents will be examined/ verified completely before/ and at the time of document verification/ trade/ skill test and interview. Possible eligible candidates (those who will get minimum pass marks in written examination and will fulfiling eligibility criteria on the basis of documents submitted by them) will be called for document verification/Trade/Skill Tests, Professional Practise Tests, Proficiency Tests, Physical Endurance Test/ Medical Test and Personal Interviews, based upon
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their ranking in written examination in a ratio of 1:6 (one vacancy against six shortlisted candidates) for all posts and in a ratio of 1:8 where skill/ trade test is mandatory provided as a qualifying condition they secure the minimum qualifying marks in written examination (which is 40% for general category and 35% for SC/ ST candidates this year). The last candidate securing equal marks in the bracket will also be included. Candidates meeting eligibility criteria [Qualification, Age, Category, Experience (wherever applicable) during document verification process will be allowed for trade/ skill test (wherever applicable) and interview.
However, the CEPTAM at its discretion, can design the structure of the selection process, and use critical data such as Educational Qualifications, Work Experience, Examination Marks, as criteria to determine eligibility or may take recourse to preliminary screening of the candidates. The CEPTAM shall also conduct specific Practical Tests, Health Tests, Oral Tests, as and when deemed necessary. Minimum qualifying marks for each process of selection i.e. written examination, trade/skill test, physical endurance test and interview for preparing merit list, will be fixed by CEPTAM. However, weighage 85% for ‘written’ and 15% for 'Interview' is fixed.
सबस , क कस क ब क ब । क क औ अ स क क स ब स क स / /क क औ स क स स । स क स ( स औ क क ) क , क क , 1:6 ( क क - ) क क अ , स , क / स क अ स / / क स / क ( क ) औ स क क ब ( अ 1:8 , क / अ ), अ ब ब अ क स क क क । ब अ स , , क क स अ क ( क स स क 40% औ SC / ST क 35% ) क । स क अ [ , , , क /अ ] क क क स क औ / क क अ ।
, अ क क स स , क स क सक । क क क क स , क , क अ , क अ क, क क क सक । स क , , क क औ ब क स स क । क
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क क अ क , /क , क स औ स क अ क, स क क स क । , औ स क अ क क (85% औ 15% क स क क ) ।
Q-34. When and where the interviews/trade tests will be conducted?
स क / कब औ क क ?
A. Details of interview/trade tests venues for different post codes will be made available on this website.
अ क क स क / क स बस क ।
Q-35. What are the criteria for recommending a candidate for appointment?
अ क क क स क क ?
A. Final recommendation of the candidates for the post are made on the basis of merit obtained through percentage and weightage of marks obtained in written examination and interview (85% for written examination and 15% for interview). Further, subjected to conditions:
अ स क औ स क अ क क औ क (85% औ 15% क स क क ) ब । सक अ , क अ :
1. Candidate has passed the Trade Test/ Skill Test/ Physical Endurance/Medical Test wherever conducted.
/ क / क स / क (Pass) क , क ।
2. Candidate has secured minimum pass marks (5% less for SC/ST candidates) in interview, i.e. he has cleared (Pass) the interview
स क स अ क क (स क 5% क – for SC/ST) अ स क स क ।
3. The Essential Qualification Requirement (EQR) pertaining to the posts are completed as on Cut-off Date.
क स स ब क (EQR) क क ।
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4. Candidate is NOT possessing higher qualification viz. M.Sc. or B.Tech, B.E. degree etc as on cut-off date, for the posts of Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’ or Technician ‘A’.
क क स क 'ब ' क 'A' क क , क स क अ M.Sc/BE/B.Tech क ।
5. Candidate is within age limits as on the closing date of applications.
क अ स क ।
Q-36. What to do when my name and reference number are given in the results but the category shown is not correct?
क ब, औ स स क (categoty) स ?
A. Such candidates are expected to inform the CEPTAM immediately for re-determining their results in the actual category.
स क क क क स क स क ।
Q-37. How long does it take to nominate candidates after declaration of the final results of an Examination?
क अ क क ब कब क क क क क स ?
A It generally takes about 30-40 days to process the dossiers of successful candidates. Thereafter, the candidates are nominated to the respective Labs/Establishment of DRDO to which they have been allocated. The concerned Lab/Establishment issues the offer of appointment to the candidates within 15-20 days, after completing the due formalities. Candidates are also informed about Labs/Establishment to which they have been nominated from the Notice Board of this website or through letter.
स क क , सक ब क स ब / क क क क क , 30-40 । स ब / क 15-20 क औ क क क क ब । कस / क क , क ब स क स स बस क स ब स स क ।
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Q-38. I have EQR for more than one post code. May I apply for two or more post codes?
क स अ क क क (EQR) । स अ क क क क सक ?
A. The examination of all post codes are conducted in the same day and in two shifts all over the country. The written examination of STA ‘B’ and Technician ‘A’ shall be conducted in different shifts. The examination for Admin Assistants ‘A’ and Store Assistants ‘A’ shall also be in separate shifts but it shall be time-clubbed either with shift for STA ‘B’ or Technician ‘A’. Therefore, candidates applying for more than one post should send their application, complete in all respect, in separate envelope and as per examination scheme. It is also essential to register for each post code you are applying for and get registration number for each post code.
स क क क , , औ । क क स क 'ब ' (STA-B) औ क -'A' क क अ अ क । स क-' ' (Admin Assistant-A) औ स क ' ' क अ -अ , क , क क स क 'ब ' (STA-B) औ क -'A' क क स ( - ब) । स , क स अ क क क क क अ स स अ -अ । क क सक क , स क क क क क औ क स क क क क ।
Q-39. Where I will be posted, if selected?
क क क ?
A. Likely stations of posting are mentioned in the Advertisement. However, as per Central Government rules candidates are liable to serve anywhere within limits of Union of India including field locations / remote areas. Minimum 5 years of service at the first place of posting will be mandatory. However, they may be posted to other locations in public interest by DRDO and No request for transfer will be entertained during this period.
स क क । , क स क क क अ स स क स क कस , , स क क क । क स क 5 क स , क अ क । स अ क क क अ क । क , क अ क क सक ।
Q-40. What is Physical Endurance Test (PET)?
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क स ( ) ?
A. For the post of Security Assistant ‘A’, Fireman, Fire Engine Driver and Drivers where physical fitness is necessary for discharge of the duties, it is mandatory to pass the prescribed Physical Endurance, Physical Measurements & Medical tests (wherever applicable) as per DRDO norms. PET includes events like 1600 meter race in 7 minutes time, rope climbing using hands – 12 feet vertical climbing & 20 sit-ups etc. For female candidates, standards shall be relaxed as per DRDO norms. DRDO reserves the right to give all or a few of the above events to ascertain the endurance of the candidates. Candidates undergoing PET test will do so at their own risk.
स स क ' ', , औ क क , क क क , क अ स क क , क , क औ क क अ स , (pass) क अ । क अ स , 7 क स 1600 क , क क क 12 स औ 20 अ (push-ups) । क , क क । क स क क , स स क क क अ क स । क अ क स क ।
Q-41. What are Medical standards?
क स क ?
A. For the post of Security Assistant ‘A’, Fireman, Fire Engine Driver and Drivers where physical fitness is necessary for discharge of the duties, it is mandatory to pass the prescribed Physical Endurance & Medical tests (wherever applicable) as per DRDO norms.
स स क ' ', , औ क क , क क क , क अ स क क , क औ क , क अ स , (pass) क अ ।
Medical standards are as follows:
क स क स :
(i) Minimum height 165 cm without shoes (relaxation in height is admissible for candidates belonging to hilly areas and tribal areas as per Govt. rules) (ii) Chest should be well proportioned and 82 cm without expansion with minimum 5 cm expansion (iii) Weight should be minimum 50 Kg (iv) Hearing – normal without aids
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(v) Vision – vision must be 6/6 without aid. Each eye must have full field of vision and the candidate must be free from Night & Colour blindness.
(i) ऊ क ब 165 स (ऊ , औ स क क अ स स स स ब क क ) (ii) क स क 5 स क क स औ 82 स क ब अ स स क (iii) क स क 50 क (iv) : क क ब स (v) : स स क ब - 6/6 । क क औ औ स ।
Q-42. I am already working in Govt./PSU/Autonomous organization/Armed Forces. What is the application procedure for me?
स स क /स क /, स /स /स ब / क क क । क ?
A. Candidates serving in Govt. /PSU/, Autonomous Organizations /Armed Forces including (departmental candidates) must apply through proper channel and may send an advance copy after intimating his Head of Office/ Department. However, he has to submit ‘NOC’ from the present employer at the time of document verification/ interview, if shortlisted.
स क /स क /, स /स /स ब ( ) स क स क , /क क स क सक ब क अ सक । क, स स / स क , क स ' स ' (क ) क ।
Q-43. I am a resident of remote area (like Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu and Kashmir, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Island and Lakshadweep). What is the last date for submission of my Application Form?
(अस , , अ , , , , , स , औ क , Lahaul औ Spiti औ Pangi क ब क , अ औ क ब औ ) क स । क क क अ ?
A. Online application will be accepted up to the closing date. However, hard copy applications of candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu and Kashmir, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh,
Page | 18
Andaman & Nicobar Island and Lakshadweep shall be accepted by post within one week after the closing date.
, क अ क क क । क , अस , , अ , , , , , स , औ क , Lahaul औ Spiti औ Pangi क ब क , अ औ क ब औ क , क क क , अ क क स क क क क । ब क क ।
Q-44. What is the syllabus of DRDO written examination?
क ?
A. The syllabus of the examination will be based on the standards of Essential Qualification required (EQR) for the respective post.
क स ब क क (EQR) क क ।
Q-45. Is there any material for preparation of examination is available?
क क स क ?
A. NO, only your text books and course material is sufficient. In addition to this you may prepare for general awareness, general intelligence, reasoning ability, numerical & arithematic ability, general science and language etc. We do not recommend any specific guide available in the market for this purpose. BEWARE of Guides sold in the market with different title using words like CEPTAM, DRDO ENTY TEST etc. They are not our publications.
क क औ स । स क अ स क , स ब , क क क , स क अ क क , स औ क क सक । स क ब कस क स क । स , स क क अ अ क क स ब बक क ब/ क स स , क ।
Q-46. What will be the pattern of Question Paper?
क ?
A. All questions will be “multiple choice type” with four alternative options. The written examination will be OMR based and of two hours duration, consisting of 150 objectives type multiple answer choice questions as given in advertisement. OMR sheet will be used as answer book.
Page | 19
अ क , " क क क क " क स 150 स क , क क क क स , क । क क क (OMR Sheet) क क क ।
Q-47. Is there any negative marking in written examination?
क क अ क ?
A. No. Presently there is no negative marking.
स स क क क अ क ।
Q-48. I have license of Two /Three wheelers and LMV. Am I eligible for applying for the posts of Civilian Driver ‘A’ & Fire Engine Driver?
स / औ क (LMV) क स स । अस क क ' ' औ / क क क क क ?
A. NO, for the posts of Civilian Driver ‘A’ & Fire Engine Driver, a valid Driving license for Two /Three wheelers and light and heavy vehicles are required. For the post of Civilian Driver ‘A’, one year experience of driving heavy vehicle is also required after acquiring the license.
, अस क क ' ' औ / क क क , / , क (LMV) औ क क स स क क । अस क क ' ' क क , क अ स स क क ब क ।
Q-49. What are the typing speed/short hand speed requirement for the posts of Admin Asstt./ Store Asstt./ Personal Asstt etc.?
स क / स क / स क क क /short hand speed क क ?
A. Details of these are given in ‘Important Instruction Section’ on our Notice Board.
स ब ‘ अ ’ अ ।
Q-50. Last time in CEPTAM-05 Examination I got higher marks than cut-off marks, but I was not called for interview?
ब स -05 अ क, क स स अ क , क स क क ब ?
Page | 20
A. This could be due to many reasons, your EQR as given in the advertisement may be not be matching as required, or due to age, category, experience is not as required. Some other reason could be:
 You may not be having three year diploma where diploma in subject/trade is required for any post. (Equivalance is not considered).
 Your Degree/Diploma/ITI Certificate may not be exectely as required for the post. (Must bear the same subject as required. Also, Candidates must have read the required subject at least for 2 years in the course of graduation programme where essential qualification is graduation).
 You may be possessing higher qualification viz. M.Sc., Ph.D or M.Tech, B.Tech, B.E. degree etc as on cut-off date. (Candidates having higher qualification are not considered for the recruitment to the posts of either Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’ or Technician ‘A’.
क क स सक , क EQR । सक , , अ क क । क अ क सक :
 स क क , क क क । अ क क ।
 क / / , क क क अ क क क । स क क क ( क ), क क स क 2 स अ ।
 क क अ अ , क अ स क क क स क-'ब ' (STA-B) क -'A' (Tech-‘A’) क क अ M.Sc., Ph.D, B.Tech, BE ।
Q-51. How to reach CEPTAM?
स क ?
A. CEPTAM is situated opposite Sushruta Trauma Centre on ring road behind I. P. College near Civil line metro station, DELHI-110054.
Q-52. My query is not addressed in FAQ section?
अकस क स अ स ब ?
A. You may write/contact CEPTAM or send a Fax/email to Director, CEPTAM.
स/ क, स स स क क सक ।



Advertisement No.: CEPTAM-06 DATE OF EXAMINATION: 25TH AUGUST 2013 27th May, 2013
DRDO offers exciting and challenging career opportunities in very broad spectrum of subjects/ disciplines at its more than 50 laboratories/ establishments spread
throughout the length and breadth of the country. Applications are invited for direct recruitment through DRDO Entry Test – 2013 for the following Posts. This Advertisement
consists of three sections: SECTION ‘A’, SECTION ‘B’ and SECTION ‘C’. SECTION ‘A’ comprises of Part 1 and Part 2. Please read the complete advertisement carefully before
filling up the application form. Applying ONLINE is mandatory for the post of STA-‘B’ given in Part 1 and optional for all other posts mentioned in Part 2. As a first step, candidates
willing to apply for any post MUST register themselves with SMS (mobile) as described in the procedure. Detailed guideline and FAQs are available on our website.
0101 Agricultural Science B.Sc. degree in Agricultural Science from recognized University/Institute 3 0 0 0 3 H1, L1
0102 Automobile Three years Diploma in Automobile Engineering, from recognized Technical Board/ Institute 3 0 1 2 6 A2,B2,J1
0103 Biotechnology B.Sc. Degree in Biotechnology from recognized University/ Institute 1 0 0 1 2 H1,L1
0104 Botany B.Sc. degree in Botany from recognized University/ Institute (candidates of ZBC/PCB Group may also apply) 2 1 1 1 5 D2,H1,L1,T1
0105 Chemical Engineering Three years Diploma in Chemical Engineering, from recognized Technical Board/ Institute 4 0 1 2 7 H2,N1,P2,V1
0106 Chemistry
B.Sc. degree in Chemistry from recognized University/ Institute (candidates of PCM/ZBC/PCB Group may
also apply)
10 3 2 3 18
0107 Civil Engineering Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering, from recognized Technical Board/ Institute 5 0 0 2 7
0108 Computer Science
B.Sc. degree Or Three years Diploma in Computer Science/IT, from recognized University/ Technical Board/
Institute (BCA/MCA not eligible)
30 3 9 9 51
0109 Electrical & Electronics Three years Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from recognized Technical Board/ Institute 0 0 0 2 2 B2
0110 Electrical Three years Diploma in Electrical Engineering from recognized Technical Board/ Institute 10 3 2 4 19
Electronics & Communication or
Electronics & Telecommunication
B.Sc. degree Or Three years Diploma in Electronics & Communication, or Electronics & Telecommunication
Engineering, from recognized University/ Technical Board/ Institute
20 9 4 11 44
0112 Electronics & Instrumentation
B.Sc. degree Or Three years Diploma in Electronics & Instrumentation, from recognized University/
Technical Board/ Institute
0 0 1 0 1 H2
0113 Electronics B.Sc. degree Or Three years Diploma in Electronics from recognized University/ Technical Board/ Institute 23 12 3 4 42 ESM[UR-1]
0114 Geology B.Sc. degree in Geology, from recognized University/ Institute 1 0 0 0 1 D2
0115 Instrumentation Three years Diploma in Instrumentation from recognized Technical Board/ Institute 4 0 0 0 4 B2,C3
0116 Library Science
Bachelor's Degree in Science, with minimum one year Diploma in Library Science, from recognized
University/ Institute
4 2 0 2 8 A2,B2,C3,D2,H2
0117 Mathematics
B.Sc. degree in Mathematics, from recognized University/ Institute (candidates of PCM Group may also
1 0 0 0 1 D2
0118 Mechanical Three years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, from recognized Technical Board/ Institute 47 16 12 19 94 ESM[UR-6,SC-2,OBC-2]
0119 Mechatronics Three years Diploma in Mechatronics, from recognized Technical Board/ Institute 1 0 0 0 1 V1
0120 Metallurgy Three years Diploma in Metallurgical Engineering, from recognized Technical Board/ Institute 5 0 0 2 7 H2,P2
0121 Microbiology B.Sc. degree in Microbiology from recognized University/ Institute 0 0 0 1 1 L1
0122 Nursing B.Sc. degree in Nursing from recognized University/Institute 2 0 0 0 2 C3,V1
0123 Pharmacy Recognised Diploma in Pharmacy with registration as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act 1 0 0 0 1 D1
0124 Photography Three years Diploma in Photography from recognized Technical Board/ Institute 2 0 0 1 3 A2,B2
0125 Physics
B.Sc. degree in Physics, from recognized University/ Institute (candidates of PCM/PCB Group may also
6 3 1 2 12 C1,D1,D2,H2,N1
0126 Printing
B.Sc. degree in Printing Or Three years Diploma in Printing Technology, from recognized University/
Technical Board/ Institute
1 0 0 0 1 H2
0127 Psychology B.Sc. degree in Psychology from recognized University/ Institute 3 0 1 1 5 D2
0128 Radiography B.Sc. degree in Radiography from recognized University/ Technical Board/ Institute 1 0 0 0 1 D2
0129 Surveyor B.Sc. degree in Surveyor from recognized University/ Institute 1 0 0 0 1 D2
0130 Textile
B.Sc. Degree in Textile or Three years Diploma in Textile Engineering/Technology from recognized
University/Technical Board/ Institute
1 0 0 0 1 D2
0131 Tool, Die & Moulding Three years Diploma in Tool, Die & Moulding from recognized Technical Board/ Institute 1 1 0 1 3 H2
0132 Veterinary Science B.V.Sc. in Veterinary Science from recognized University/Institute 1 0 0 0 1 L1
0133 Zoology B.Sc. degree in Zoology from recognized University/ Institute (candidates of ZBC Group may also apply) 2 1 2 0 5 D2,L1,T1
Sub Total 196 54 40 70 360 11
(It will be mandatory to pass Trade Test on the date of Interview)
0201 Automobile (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Automobile Trade 3 0 0 0 3 A2,B2
0202 Book Binder (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Book Binder Trade 1 0 0 1 2 A2,H2
0203 Carpenter (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Carpenter Trade 3 1 0 0 4 A2,D1,N1
0204 COPA
(i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA)
9 1 1 2 13 B2,C1,D2,P2,T1
0205 Cutting & Tailoring (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Cutting & Tailoring Trade 0 1 0 0 1 A1
0206 Draughtsman(Mechanical) (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Draughtsman (Mechanical) Trade 3 1 0 1 5 H2,V1
0207 DTP Operator (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Desk Top Publishing Trade 1 1 0 0 2 K2
0208 Electrician (I) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Electrician Trade 19 3 2 3 27 ESM[UR-1]
0209 Electronics
(i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Electronics or Electronic Mechanic or Radio & TV
Mechanic or Radar Mechanic Trade
17 2 1 6 26
ESM[OBC-1,ST-1], MSP[1-
0210 Electroplating (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Electroplating Trade 1 0 0 0 1 D1
(a) TECHNICIAN -'A' (TECH -'A') Pay Band:PB-1, Rs 5200-20200(Grade Pay Rs 1900/-)
Age as on Closing Date must be between : 18 and 28 Years (relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/ESM/PWD etc. as per Government rules.)
Pay Band:PB-2, Rs 9300-34800 (Grade Pay Rs 4200/-)
Age as on Closing Date must be between : 18 and 28 Years (relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/ESM/PWD etc. as per Government rules.)
Total 11 PWD ( 04 OH, 04 HI, 03 VI) *
(It will be mandatory to pass Trade Test on the date of Interview)
0211 Fitter (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Fitter Trade 28 7 6 9 50 ESM[UR-4,ST-2]
0212 FRP Processor (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Fibre Reinforced Plastic Processor Trade 1 0 0 0 1 H2
0213 Grinder (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Grinder Trade 0 1 0 0 1 H2
0214 Instrument Mechanic (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Instrument Mechanic Trade 2 0 0 0 2 D2,H2
0215 Machinist (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Machinist Trade 21 4 1 9 35
0216 Machinist (CNC Operator)
(i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in CNC Operator Trade/ Machinist Trade with specific training in
CNC Operation
2 1 0 1 4 D2,J1,P2
0217 Mechanic (Diesel) (I) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Diesel Mechanic Trade 1 0 0 1 2 K2
0218 Medical Lab Technology (I) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Medical Lab Technology Trade 1 1 1 1 4 D2,J1
0219 Mill Wright Mechanic (I) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Mill Wright Mechanic Trade 1 0 0 0 1 H2
0220 Motor Vehicle Mechanic (I) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Moter Vehicle Mechanic Trade 4 0 0 1 5 A2,B2,C3,D2,H1
0221 Painter (I) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Painter Trade 1 0 0 1 2 B2,D1
0222 Photographer (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Photography Trade 1 0 0 2 3 A1,C3,P2
Refrigeration and Air
(i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Refrigeration & AC Mechanic Trade 1 0 0 0 1 D2
0224 Sheet Metal Worker (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Sheet Metal Worker Trade 3 2 0 1 6 B2,H2
0225 Turner (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Turner Trade 6 1 1 4 12 B2,C1,H2,P2
0226 Welder (i) X Class Or equivalent and (ii) Certificate from ITI in Welder Trade 6 2 0 2 10 B2,C3,D1,D2,H2,P2
Sub Total 136 29 13 45 223 7
Age: Between 18 and 30 Years, Pay Band: PB-2, Rs 9300-34800, Grade Pay Rs 4200/-
EQR : Master's Degree of a recognized University in English/Hindi with Hindi and English as compulsory elective
subjects at degree level OR Bachelor’s degree with Hindi and English as main subjects (which includes the term
compulsory and elective) and two years Experience of translation from English to Hindi and vice versa.
1 0 0 0 1
Age: Between 18 and 27 Years, Pay Band: PB-1, Rs 5200-20200, Grade Pay Rs 2400/-
EQR: (i) XII class pass or equivalent from recognized Board or University (ii) Accurate speed of 80 words per minute in
shorthand and 40 words per minute in typing in English or 30 words per minute in Hindi or Accurate speed of 8000 key
depressions per hour for data entry into computer. (Typing test will be on computer only )
5 0 0 0 5
Age: Between 18 and 27 Years, Pay Band: PB-1, Rs 5200-20200, Grade Pay Rs 1900/-
EQR : (i) XII Class Pass Or equivalent from a recognized Board or University (ii) Typing on computer at the speed of 30
words per minute in Hindi ( 30 words per minute corresponds to 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for
each word.) or Typing on computer at the speed of 35 word per minute in English (35 words per minute corresponds
to 10500 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word.) (Typing test will be on computer only )
78 15 5 23 121
Age: Between 18 and 27 Years, Pay Band: PB-1, Rs 5200-20200, Grade Pay Rs 1900/-
EQR : (i) XII Class Pass Or equivalent from a recognized Board or University (ii) Typing on computer at the speed of 30
words per minute in Hindi ( 30 words per minute corresponds to 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for
each word.) or Typing on computer at the speed of 35 word per minute in English (35 words per minute corresponds
to 10500 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word.) (Typing test will be on computer only )
16 3 0 0 19 ESM[UR-1]
Age: Between 18 and 27 Years, Pay Band: PB-1, Rs 5200-20200, Grade Pay Rs 1900/-
EQR : (i) XII class pass Or equivalent from a recognized Board or University or equivalent certificate awarded by Armed
Forces in the case of Ex-Serviceman, (ii) Physical fitness and capability to undertake strenuous duties. (See Sec 'B', Para
15 2 0 1 18 ESM[UR-2]
Age: Between 18 and 27 Years, Pay Band: PB-1, Rs 5200-20200, Grade Pay Rs 1900/-
EQR: X class pass Or equivalent qualification by the Central/ State Governments and possessing :(i) A valid driving
license for Two/Three wheelers and light and heavy vehicles (both) and (ii) One year experience of driving after
aquiring the licence. (HMV)
37 7 1 7 52 ESM[UR-2]
Age: Between 18 and 27 Years, Pay Band: PB-1, Rs 5200-20200, Grade Pay Rs 1900/-
EQR: (i) X class pass Or equivalent qualification recognised by the Central/ State Governments, (ii) A valid driving
license for Two/Three wheelers and light and heavy vehicles (both) (iii)Knowledge of traffic regulations, (iv) Physical
fitness and capability for strenuous duties. (See Sec 'B', Para 6)
5 1 0 3 9
Age: Between 18 and 27 Years, Pay Band: PB-1, Rs 5200-20200, Grade Pay Rs 1900/-
EQR: (i) X class pass certificate recognised by Central/ State Governments, (ii) Physical fitness and capability to perform
strenuous duties. (See Sec 'B', Para 6) 24 4 1 7 36 ESM[OBC-2,SC-1]
Sub Total 181 32 7 41 261
(a) TECHNICIAN -'A' (TECH -'A') ------ Contd. Pay Band:PB-1, Rs 5200-20200(Grade Pay Rs 1900/-)
Age as on Closing Date must be between : 18 and 28 Years (relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/ESM/PWD etc. as per Government rules.)
Total 07 PWD (02 OH, 02 HI, 03 VI) *
0301 Assistant Hindi D2
0401 Personal Assistant 'A' 01 HI B2,C1,H2,N1
0601 Store Assistant 'A' 01 OH
0501 Admin Assistant 'A'
Total 05 PWD
(02 OH, 01 HI, 02
0701 Security Assistant 'A'
0801 Civilian Driver 'A'
0901 Fire Engine Driver 'A' B1,B2,D2,J1,P2
1001 Fireman
Note: Table indicates the currently planned vacancies. The number of vacancies may increase or decrease depending upon the requirement. Any vacancy may be kept unfilled if no candidate found suitable.
* Candidates belonging to Persons With Disabilities (PWD) category may apply in their own subject/trade of study for STA ‘B’ and TECH ‘A’ and will be shortlisted for Interview on the basis of their merit obtained in
examination applying reservation for PWD category in that discipline/subject/trade.
1. GENERAL GUIDELINES: a) Keep visiting CEPTAM Notice Board on our website for
important announcements/ information throughout the selection process at its various stages. b) Candidates
must satisfy themselves, before applying, about their eligibility for the post to avoid disappointment later. c)
Candidates applying online MUST also submit their printed copy of application duly completed in all respects
to reach us in time. d) Candidates are advised to send the application well before the closing date.
DRDO/CEPTAM will not be responsible for any postal delay/loss of the applications. e) One envelope should
contain only one application. f) Applications for the posts mentioned in advertisement which are incomplete
and not on given format are liable to be rejected, and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
Canvassing in any form will disqualify a candidate.
2. SERVICE CONDITIONS & REMUNERATION: As per the Central Government rules candidates are liable
to serve anywhere within limits of Union of India including field locations/remote areas. Minimum five years of
service at the first place of posting will be mandatory. However, they may be posted to other locations in
public interest by DRDO and No request for transfer will be entertained during this period. Remuneration and
other benefits includes, dearness allowance, house rent allowance, transport allowance, leave travel
concession, medical facilities etc. The personnel policies in DRDO are well laid down. All Technical Posts are
covered under limited flexible complementing scheme which means that based on meritorious performance, a
fast track career advancement is available. For other posts, time bound financial upgradation under the
scheme of modified assured career progression is available. All the persons recruited against this
advertisement will be covered under New Pension Scheme of the Government unless provided otherwise in
the rule.
3. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: a) Candidate must be a citizen of India. b) Please refer Part 1 and Part 2 of
table in SECTION ‘A’ for age limit and other eligibility conditions which will be determined with reference to
the closing date as mentioned in advertisement. c) Candidates must have completed the Essential
Qualificational Requirement (EQR) and other eligibility for the posts as on CLOSING DATE.d) Candidates
must have read the required subject at least for 2 years in the course of B.Sc. programme. e) Please note that
the candidates possessing higher qualification viz. M.Sc. or B.Tech, B.E. degree etc as on closing date, shall
NOT be considered for the recruitment to the posts of Senior Technical Assistant ‘B’ or Technician ‘A’.
f) Candidates must be in good mental & physical health and free from any physical deformity which may
interfere in efficient discharge of duties. A candidate, after medical examination as may be prescribed by the
competent authority, conducted before the offer of appointment is issued, if found unfit, will not be appointed.
g) Candidates serving in Govt. /PSU/ Autonomous organizations/ armed forces including (departmental
candidates) must apply through proper channel and may send an advance copy before closing date to be
initially considered with intimation to their offices. They shall not be interviewed if they fail to produce “NO
OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” from the present employer at the time of interview. h) At any stage of selection
process, if it is found on verification that an individual fails to fulfil any of the eligibility criteria, his/her
candidature shall be treated as cancelled without notice and no representation in this regard shall be
entertained under any circumstances.
4. RESERVATION BENEFITS: a) Reservation benefits will be available to the candidates in accordance with
the instructions/orders/circulars, issued by Govt. from time to time. IMPORTANT: Candidates who wish to be
considered against reserved vacancies, seeking age and fee relaxation/concession, must support their claim
by submitting applications alongwith their duly self attested copies of relevant certificates issued by
Govt./notified Competent Authority, else their claim for any relaxation/concession etc will not be considered
and their application will be dealt with as that falling under General Category (UR). b) PWD: As per PWD
reservation roster of DRDO, the reserved vacancies for PWD are mentioned against vacancies. PWD
candidates applying against unreserved vacancies will be treated as general candidates. c) ESM: The person
who has served in any rank in regular Indian Army, Navy or Air Force and retired after earning Pension or any
other relevant terms & conditions of Govt. of India d) MSP: As per rules of Government of India.
5. AGE RELAXATION: The candidate must be within prescribed age limit on the closing date. However,
upper age limit is relaxable for SC, ST, OBC, PWD, MSP, ESM, GS, persons domiciled in Kashmir Division of
J&K state during the period from 01-01-1980 to 31-12-1989, Widows, Divorced women and Women judicially
separated from husband but not remarried as per the rule prescribed by the Government of India. For
relaxation of age limit and proforma for certificates, our website may be referred to.
6. ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: a) For the post of Technician ‘A’, it is mandatory to pass the Trade Test.
b) For the post of Personal Assistant ‘A’, it is mandatory to pass the prescribed Shorthand and Typing Test. c)
To pass Typing Test is essential for the post of Admin Assistant ‘A’ & Store Assistant ‘A’. d) For Civilian Driver
‘A’ & Fire Engine Driver, passing of Driving test is mandatory. e) For the post of Security Astt. ‘A’, Fire Engine
Driver and Fireman, it is mandatory to pass the Physical Endurance Test (PET) and medical fitness test. The
Physical Endurance Test (PET) will consists: (i) 1600 m Run to be completed in 7 minutes (ii) 20 Sit ups (iii)
Rope climbing using hands – 12 feet vertical climbing. For female candidates, standards shall be relaxed as
per DRDO norms. DRDO reserves the right to give all or a few of the above events to ascertain the
endurance of the candidates. Candidates undergoing PET will do so at their own risk. Medical Standards: (i)
Minimum height 165 cm without shoes (relaxation in height is admissible for candidates belonging to Hilly
areas and tribal areas as per Govt. of India rules) (ii) Chest should be well proportioned and 82 cm without
expansion with minimum 5 cm expansion (iii) Weight should be minimum 50 kg (iv) Hearing – normal without
aids (v) Vision – vision must be 6/6 without aid. Each eye must have full field of vision and the candidate must
be free from Night & Colour blindness.
7. HOW TO APPLY: All interested candidates who wish to apply for any post mentioned in this
advertisement, are compulsorily required to register themselves on mobile no 56677 of CEPTAM by
sending a SMS in this format CEPTAM <space> First choice of Exam City Code <space> Post Code
<space> Date of Birth as ddmmyy <space> Name (Leaving a space between first, middle and last
name) example, CEPTAM 15 0112 231283 Rupesh Kumar Goyal. After delivery of your SMS, you will
receive an auto-generated response message with “Registration No” based on exam city code, post
code and sequence no (based on post code). Mention this Registration No. in your application form.
Complete this exercise correctly as you, yourself will be responsible for any wrong particulars which
may lead to rejection. If you are applying for more than one post, get registration number for each
post code separately.
FOR POSTS MENTIONED IN PART 1: Candidates applying for the posts of STA ‘B’ mentioned in Part 1 of
Section ‘A’ are necessarily required to apply “ONLINE” and applications received in any other mode shall be
Rejected. Online application printout is however to be sent to Director, CEPTAM alongwith required
enclosures so that it is received on or before closing date (Register through SMS before applying).
FOR POSTS MENTIONED IN PART 2: Candidates applying for the posts mentioned in Part 2 of Section ‘A’
may have the option either to apply “ONLINE” or on a prescribed application form given in Section ‘C’ of the
advertisement on A4 size (210X297mm) plain white paper, and exactly in the same format as provided in
advertisement. The proforma may be downloaded from our website. Photocopy of the format published in the
Employment News can also be used. All columns of the application form should be filled legibly in own
handwriting (Register through SMS before applying).
Online facility will be available upto 1400 hrs on CLOSING DATE. To be considered online, applicants MUST
complete the instructions in all respects and should apply only once for one post. The candidate must attach
self attested copies of EQR and Driving License (for the post of Civilian Driver ‘A’). The details of valid photo
identity proof (viz. PAN, Aadhaar, Voter Id, Passport, Official Id, College/Institute Id etc.) which you wish to
carry during Examination & Interview must be furnished in application form. Use only recent coloured
photograph not more than 30 days old (keep 7 copies of the same photograph with you for future use in
further selection process). The candidate must attach self addressed stamped post card at the end of all
enclosures to acknowledge the receipt of application. The post card should have the name of the candidate,
post code, subject and post name applied for. You are advised to retain a photocopy of your complete
application along with enclosures for future reference.
8. FEES & MODE OF PAYMENT: Non-Refundable Fees of Rs. 50 (Rupees Fifty only) is to be paid online for
online applications through Credit Card/Debit Card/Net banking. For offline applications, the fees is to be paid
through INDIAN POSTAL ORDER (IPO) only issued in favour of “The Director, CEPTAM, Delhi”, payable
at Delhi. The Cheque/Draft/Money order will NOT be accepted in any condition. Candidates belonging to
SC/ST/ESM/PWD categories and women candidates are exempted from payment of fee.
respects must reach “DRDO Entry Test- 2013, Post Box No.: 8626, Delhi-110 054” by ordinary posts only
on or before the CLOSING DATE. However, the applications from the candidates residing in Assam,
Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu and Kashmir, Lahaul
and Spiti District and Pangi Sub Division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Island
and Lakshadweep shall be accepted sent by post within one week after CLOSING DATE (Cut-off date of
EQR, age etc will remain same as on CLOSING DATE). Applications received through speed/Regd/Courier
will not be accepted. APPLICATION RECEIVED LATE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. Candidates must
mention Advt. No., Post Code, SMS registration No. and their address for correspondence on the face of the
envelope in CAPITAL letters.
10. EXAMINATION CITIES WITH CODE NUMBER: Based on the number of candidates, Examination Cities
will be chosen from the following list (Numerals printed in the box below are respective city codes): -
01 - Agra 06 - Chandigarh 11 - Guwahati 16 - Kanpur 21 - Port Blair
02 - Ahmedabad 07 - Chennai 12 - Hyderabad 17 - Kochi 22 - Pune
03 - Bengaluru 08 - Dehradun 13 - Imphal 18 - Kolkata 23 - Raipur
04 - Bhopal 09 - Delhi NCR 14 - Jammu 19 - Nagpur 24 - Ranchi
05 - Bhubaneswar 10 - Gorakhpur 15 - Jodhpur 20 - Patna 25 - Visakhapatnam
Candidates are advised to choose any three cities in order of preference for written examination and write the
respective city codes in application form. CEPTAM reserves the right to add/delete any exam city depending
upon the number of applicants and availability of the Centres etc. Notwithstanding anything, candidates shall
definitely be allotted one of the examination cities. NO request for change of Examination Centre shall be
entertained (First choice is to be used while registering through SMS).
11. DATE OF EXAMINATION AND ADMIT CARD: The examination will be held on 25th August, 2013
(Sunday). Admit Cards to the candidates who have applied online will NOT be sent by post but shall
be made available on our website ( at least 15 days before the date of examination.
However, Admit Cards for all applicants (online or offline) are available and downloadable from our website.
Candidates will be required to download the Admit card and utilize it for appearing in examination. Valid Id
proof in original will be mandatory with Admit Card to appear in the examination & interview. The
examination of all post codes shall be completed in two shifts on a single day. The written examination of STA
‘B’ & Technician ‘A’ shall be conducted in different shifts on the same day all over the country. The
examination for Admin Assistants ‘A’ and Store Assistants ‘A’ shall also be held in separate shifts but it shall
be time-clubbed either with shift for STA ‘B’ or Technician ‘A’. Candidates applying for more than one post
should send their application, complete in all respect, in separate envelope accordingly.
12. SCHEME OF EXAMINATION: The written examination will be OMR based and of two hours duration
consisting of 150 objective type multiple choice questions.
a) For STA ‘B’ & Technician ‘A’ : The written test will consist of (i) 50 questions on General Awareness,
General Intelligence, Reasoning Ability, General Science and (ii) 100 Questions on Subject concerned.
b) For Assistant Hindi: The written test will consist of (i) 50 Questions on General Awareness, General
Intelligence, Reasoning & Numerical Ability and (ii) 50 Questions each on Hindi and English Language.
c) For Personal Assistant, Admin Assistant ‘A’ & Store Assistant ‘A’ : The written examination will
consist of (i) 50 questions on General Awareness, General Intelligence & Reasoning & Numerical Ability (ii)
50 questions on General English and (iii) 50 Questions on Hindi OR English language. d) For Civilian Driver
‘A’, Security Assistant ‘A’, Fire Engine Driver and Fireman: The written test will consist of (i) 100
Questions on General Awareness, General Reasoning, Arithmetic , Numerical Ability (ii) 50 Questions related
to Job.
13. SYLLABUS & MEDIUM OF EXAMINATION: The syllabus of the examination will be based on the
standards of essential qualification required for the post. The medium for Written Examination will be Hindi or
14. MODE OF SELECTION: a) The candidates will be called for written examination without any scrutiny.
However, the Original Certificates pertaining to Essential Qualification (EQR) and other relevant documents
will be examined/verified completely before/and at the time of Document Verification/Interview. b) Candidates
fulfilling all the eligibility criteria are called for document verification, trade/skill test and interview based on
their ranking in written examination in a ratio of 1:6 (for STA ‘B’ and Assistant Hindi) and 1:8 (for all other post
codes where Skill/Trade/Physical /Medical tests are mandatory) provided they secure the minimum qualifying
marks in written examination (40% for General Candidate and 35% for SC/ST candidate). The last candidate
securing equal marks in the bracket are also included. The final selection will be based on combined merit of
post/category/sub-category of the candidate and on the basis of marks obtained in Written Examination and
Interview taken together in the ratio of 85% and 15% respectively. However, it would be mandatory for the
candidate to secure minimum 45% marks for SC/ST and 50% marks for others to qualify the interview. If there
are two or more candidates in the same category having equal marks, the candidate older in age will get
preference. It is reiterated that it is also mandatory for shortlisted candidates to pass the prescribed
skill/trade/physical/medical tests, as per the norms, wherever applicable. c) The mode of selection may
change depending upon the contingencies. For more details visit FAQs section on our website.
15. CAUTION: Misrepresentation or falsification of facts detected at any stage of the selection process, or
adopting unfair means or impersonation at examination or misconduct/misbehavior shall result in cancellation
of candidature without any notice, and no correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. CEPTAM
reserves the right to initiate legal action against the candidate concerned. The defaulter candidate may be for
a specified period or permanently debarred from future recruitments. Canvassing in any form shall lead to
16. IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEBER: (i) Before applying, first register on mobile no 56677 in this format
CEPTAM <space> First choice of Exam City Code <space> Post Code <space> Date of Birth as
ddmmyy <space> Name (Leaving a space between first, middle and last name) [ example, CEPTAM 15
0112 231283 Rupesh Kumar Goyal ] (ii) For the posts mentioned in Part 1, apply ONLINE, take a printout
and send it to “DRDO Entry Test- 2013, Post Box No.: 8626, Delhi-110 054” alongwith required enclosures
so that it is received well before closing date. Applications for STA ‘B’ received by other modes shall not be
accepted. (iii) For the posts mentioned in Part 2, candidate has the option to apply either ONLINE followed by
dispatch of printout along with enclosures or on prescribed application form given in Section ‘C’ duly filled in
Hindi or English only and send it to “DRDO Entry Test- 2013, Post Box No.: 8626, Delhi-110 054”. (iv) For
acknowledgement write your name, post code, subject and post name on the self addressed post card and
send it with application form. (v) Admit Card for examination will NOT be sent by post. However it would be
available on DRDO website at least 15 days before the examination which is required to be downloaded for
appearing in examination. (vi) Choose your Id proof and mention in the application form while applying and
bring the same in examination centre. (vii) The detailed guidelines, instructions and FAQs are available on our
website for reference.
17. LIKELY STATION FOR POSTING (Please refer the table in Section ‘A’ of the advertisement) :
A1=Agra, A2=Ahmednagar, A3=Ambernaath, B1=Balasore, B2=Bangalore, C1=Chandigarh, C2=Chandipur,
C3=Chennai, D1=Dehradun, D2=Delhi, G1=Gwalior,G2=Goa, H1=Haldwani, H2=Hyderabad, J1=Jagdalpur,
J2=Jodhpur, K1=Kanpur, K2=Kochi,K3=Kolkata, K4=Korwa, L1=Leh, M1=Mussoorie, M2=Mysore,N1=Nasik,
P1=Panagarh, P2=Pune, T1=Tejpur, V1=Visakhapatnam,
18. Abbreviations: EQR = Essential Qualificational Requirement, ESM = Ex-Serviceman, GS = Government
Servant, HI = Hearing Impaired, IPO = Indian Postal Order, ITI = Industrial Training Institute, KDPH = Key
Depression Per Hour, MSP = Meritorious Sports Person, NOC = No Objection Certificate, OBC = Other
Backward Class, OH = Orthopaedically Handicapped, OMR = Optical Mark Reader, PB = Pay Band, PWD =
Persons With Disability, SC = Scheduled Caste, ST = Scheduled Tribe, UR = Unreserved, VI = Visually
Impaired, WPM = Words Per Minute, Id = Identification.
1) Translation ambiguity, if any, can be resolved referring to the English version of the advertisement
published in the Employment News.
2) Any dispute will be subject to the Courts/Tribunals having jurisdiction over Delhi only.

CEPTAM - 06 Advertisement Published in Employment News dated 04-10th May, 2013 (CLOSING DATE IS OVER)
I) CEPTAM - 06 Important Links : 
*Links will be active as per progress in recruitment schedule/activity

II) CEPTAM - 05 Advertisement : 

Keep visiting our website for latest updates & future announcements.

Government Medical College for Women, Khanpur Faculty PostS

Director, Bhagat Phool Singh
Government Medical College for Women,
Khanpur Kalan (Sonepat), Haryana
Advt. No.: 3/BPS/2013 Closing Date: 23/5/2013
Remote Area: 28/05/2013
Government of Haryana has set up a new Medical College at Khanpur Kalan in district Sonepat.
It is a Government College for girls. The M.C.I. has given permission to admit 100 girls’ students for the
academic year 2012-13 and the batch has already been started. The College is strategically located between
two National Highways, GT road on eastern side and highway 71A from Rewari to Chandigarh on the western
side, in green and naturally beautiful 100 acres land in absolutely pollution free area. The college is adjacent to
BPC Mahila Vishwaidyalaya. It is about 50 kms from ISBT and New Delhi Railway Station and 20 kms from
Sonepat. The Hospital is fully operational in view of OPD, IPD, Modular Operation Theaters and ICUs providing
all kinds of medical services. The Institute is having a world class full air-conditioned infrastructure in form of
Hospital, College and Administrative Block along with the metropolitan style residential complex in the middle of
lush green surrounding. Interested candidates before applying are welcome to visit the website of the institute for an overview.
The College is in the process of filling up the following posts purely on contract basis. The
interested candidates may apply and get an opportunity to serve this prestigious college.
S. No. Name of The Post
Required as per MCI
Consolidated Salary PM
(Including Special Allowance)
1. Assistant Professors (07 post): {Ophthalmology (1),
Anaethesia (2), Physiology (1), Obst & Gynae(1),
Respiratory Medicine(1), ENT (1)}
Rs 77,000/- PM
(Annual increment Rs.1000)
2. Senior Residents (23 posts): Pediatrics (2),
Anesthesia (3), Orthopedics (1), General Medicine
(3), Gen. Surgery(3),Obs.& Gynae (3), Ophthalmology
(1),Respiratory Medicine (2)Radio-diagnosis (1), ENT
(1), Psychiatry (1), Dermatology(2)}
Rs 51000/- Fixed(Including special allowance)
Rs 48000/- Fixed(Including special allowance)
Demand Draft of Rs. 500/- in favor of Director, B.P.S. Govt. Medical College for Women, Khanpur
Kalan, Sonepat payable at Gohana must accompany the application form. The application without the Demand
Draft will be rejected. The application complete in all respects should reach in the office of Director, B.P.S. Govt.
Medical College For Women, Khanpur Kalan, Sonepat, Haryana on or before 23/5/2013(4.00P.M.)Through
Registered/ Speed Post only. The Application may be had from the Institute’s website
 The qualification and experience will be as per MCI / PGIMS Rohtak norms and counted up to the last
date of receipt of applications.
 Eligibility criteria regarding age, qualification, experience, salary structure and other conditions may be
seen from the website
 Details of the Research Work/Publications(in annotated form) indicating index/non index along with
attested copies and best five research works along with citations supported by relevant documents must
also be furnished. Any other relevant outstanding National/ international achievements in the profession
supported by documents, if any, must also be supplied.
 Submission of incomplete application i.e. without attested copies of testimonials/ academic career,
experience certificate/ attempt certificate may render the candidate ineligible.
 Numbers of posts are liable to increase or decrease.
 Reservation is as per Haryana Govt. Rule
Important Dates
Last date of submission of Application: 23/5/2013
Time/ Date of Interview: 3/06/2013 at 9 am sharp
Venue of interview: Director Office
BPS GMC for Women Khanpur Kala Sonepat
Qualification and Eligibility
1. Age: No person shall be appointed to any advertised post who is less than twenty-five years or more
than fifty years of age for the post of Assistant Professor & Senior Resident. Provided that the
Government may in the case of persons with outstanding qualifications and experience and in the
exigencies of smooth functioning of the new college, relax the age limit.
2. The candidate already in Govt./ Semi Govt. / Corporation or Autonomous Body Service should apply
through proper channel and he / she send an advance copy of the application to avoid delay but the
application through proper channel must reach in due course of time.
3.The candidate who is in service will have to produce “No Objection Certificate” from his/her parent
department / employer at the time of interview otherwise he / she will not be allowed to appear for
4. Qualification and Experience:
Sno Name Of post Qualification Experience
Ophthalmology (1),
Anaethesia (2),
Physiology (1),
Obst & Gynae(1),
Respiratory Medicine(1),
ENT (1)}
Requisite recognized
postgraduate qualification in the
Three years teaching
experience in the
subject in a
recognized medical
college as
Demonstrator/ Tutor.
Senior Resident Pediatrics (2),
Anesthesia (3),
Orthopedics (1),
General Medicine (3),
Gen. Surgery(3),
Obs.& Gynae (3),
Respiratory Medicine (2)
Radio-diagnosis (1),
ENT (1),
Psychiatry (1),
1. MBBS from any
Institution/University recognized
by the MCI.
2. MD/MS in the subject
concerned. In case the
candidates having MD/MS
qualifications are not available,
the candidates having diploma in
the subject concerned or training
experience of more than 3 years
as PG student in the subject will
be considered for appointment
3. Must be registered under the
State/Central Medical
Registration Act.
1 Number of posts are liable to increase or decrease either way, including complete withdrawal.
2 No separate interview letter will be sent.
3 Age and qualification will be counted upto the date of interview.
4 Those students who are doing MD/ MS Course, on selection as Sr. Resident will have to discontinue
there MD/MS Course before joining the post
Application Form only for Faculty /Teacher
Category No.__________________ Advt. No_________________________________
Affix passport size photograph duly attested
Application for the post of _______________________________________________
In the Department of _____________________________________ _____________
1. Name of block letter__________________________________________________
(As per Matriculation certificates/ Hr. Secondary or any equivalent exam. Women candidates should indicate whether they are
Kumari/ Shrimati)
2. (a) Permanent Address: _____________________________________________
(b) Correspondence Address:__________________________________________
(Contact No/ Mobile No/ E-mail)________________________________________
3. Date of Birth:_____________________________________________________
4. Marital Status:____________________________________________________
5. Are you
a) A citizen of India by birth or by domicile
b) A person having migrated from Pakistan with the intension of permanently settling in India or a Subject of Nepal of Sikkim or
Subject of a Portuguese in India
c) *Scheduled Caste of Haryana
d) *Backward class candidate of Haryana
e) *Ex-serviceman/Serving Soldier________________________________________ Certificate to this effect from competent
authority should be attached.
6. Name of the state to which you belong
7. Father’s Name______________________________________________________
Address & Occupation_______________________________________________ (If dead, state his last address and
occupation before death)
8. Is or was your father*
a. A citizen of India by birth or by domicile
b. A person having migrated from Pakistan with the intention of permanently settling in India or a subject of Nepal or Sikkim or
subject of Portuguese possession in India.
* Answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ and cancel the words which are not applicable.
Affix passport
size photograph
duly attested
9. Examination Passed:
Name of the
Month & Year
of Passing
No. of extra
a) Average of
upto 2 points
a)Matric/ S.S.L.C or
b) M.B.B.S 1st
Prof. M.B.B.S 2nd
Prof. M.B.B.S 3rd
Prof. Part-I
Aggregate of all
Please mention whether:-
-Best Graduate ( 1st in aggregate in all professional exams Combined)
-2nd best graduate (2nd in aggregate in all professional exams Combined)
-1st position in any subject in University exam.
-2nd position in any subject in University exam.
d) PG Qualification No of attempts No of extra attempts Date of Joining Date of
i) PG Diploma
ii) PG Degree
iii) Date of completion 3
year PG Degree
iv) Any other Qualification
i.e D.M/ M.Ch/ Ph.D
f. Mention any extra time take in appearing
in exam after becoming eligible/
10. Research related achievements ( Ist author and co-author)
a) Paper published /accepted fro publication one article /case report /etc. in and indexed international journal.
b) Paper published /accepted fro publication one article/ case report /etc. in an Indian Journal with ISSN ( Abstract of
Paper presented in a conference will not be counted as a publication)
c) Writing a chapter in foreign book.
d) A paper citation in a foreign book.
e) Writing a chapter in an Indian book.
f) A paper citation in an Indian book.
Presentation detail i.e. International / National / State Level preferences:-
a) Presented a paper/ poster in an International Conferences
b) Presented a paper/ poster in a National Conferences
c) Presented a paper in a Zonal/ State level conferences
(not more than one conference)
(Details of the Research work / Publications (in annotated form) indicating
Index/ non-index along with attested copies and best five research work along with citations supported by relevant outstanding
National/ International achievements in the profession supported with the documents if any, must also be supplied.
11. House job details:
Name of Hospital Specialty Date of Joining Date of leaving Duration
12. Have you been employed? Give particulars below:-
Mention employment other than house job given in Column 12
Name of
Date of Joining Date of leaving Name of the posts
Reason for
13. Extracurricular activities (sport)
Prize or position in an International sport/ athletic meet.
Prize or position in a National / Inter University / athletic meet
College Colour
14. Have you ever been outside India, if so, give the following particulars.
Country visited Date of visit Duration of visit Purpose
15. Are you a Government Servant? If yes, whether
1) Permanent or Temporary __________________________________________________
2) Designation / Post _______________________________________________________
Govt. ___________________________________________________________________
Present pay and allowance ___________________________________________________
16. Have you ever been disqualified by
a) Union Public Service Commission
b) Haryana Public Service Commission
c) Any other State Public Service Commission
d) Any other Govt. Department, if yes full particular and post held, reason for removal / dismissal with period.
17. Have you ever been removed/ dismissed from Govt. Service or compulsory retire, if so full details be given?
18. Are you willing to accept the minimum initial pay offered? If not , what lowest initial pay would be acceptable.
19. If selected what notice would you required for joining?
20. Give below the names of two persons who are in a position to testify from personal knowledge your fitness for post (they
must not be related to you).
Name ______________________________ Name _______________________________
Status ______________________________ Status ______________________________
Address ____________________________
Address ____________________________
21. Any additional qualification such as membership of scientific Society may be mentioned here.
22. Have you applied for any other specialties ? if so in order of priority.
23. List of enclosures:-
Date: Signature of candidate
Candidate already in employment should get the application forwarded through their employer:-
Please write your complete correspondence address:
Name ________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
Name ________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
Name ________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
Name ________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________

For contract basis Faculty Post 29 April 2013 click hereAdvertisement

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